The preferred way to specify use of the BLAS libraries is with a
Makevars file containing the single line
This will work on Ubuntu and on a Mac. It even works on that other
operating system that many unfortunate souls are forced to use.
On 12/9/06, escargot <esharef at> wrote:> Hello!
> I have some Fortran code that uses BLAS calls, and would like to compile it
> into a shared object to call it from R as per the "Writing R
> manual. What needs to go into the "Makevars" file, so that
running the R CMD
> SHLIB will work in Ubuntu?
> The code compiles properly on the Mac, with the Makevars line
> PKG_CFLAGS=-Wl,-framework -Wl,vecLib
> but of course that won't work on Ubuntu :-) . Also, if I need to
install any
> packages to make the BLAS work, I'd love to know about it.
> Thanks!
> - Emmanuel
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