The new version (2.0.0) of 'spectrino' package is released on CRAN: _ Remainder: ?spectrino? is a spectra preparation software utility for R. It is OS specific tool (Microsoft Windows), with specialized visualization, organization and pre-processing features for spectra (mostly mass-spec). The software accepts spectral data from analytical instruments and then prepares a data structure to be introduced into R. ?spectrino? has a rich set of features to create data structures and visually manipulate/compare spectra. Version 2.0 of Spectrino adds new features to the spectral part of the application (multi-tab spec-trees) and a completely new part - blocks of properties. The latter provides user interface to a list of properties (accessible from your script) as well as log, chart and snippet (small pieces of code) support. As properties are modifiable from both sides: user interface and your code, this feature offers a versatile and convenient way for parametrized control to your algorithm. For more details (including manual) visit You may read an article about Spectrino (v1.6) in "Journal of Statistical Software" All the best Teodor Krastev Research Associate, Physics Department, Imperial College, London, UK [[alternative HTML version deleted]]