Dear all, I have uploaded to CRAN the version 1.8 of the package 'adehabitat'. Significant changes are listed below: * getverticeshr now relies on the function contourLines(), and returns smoother estimates of the kernel home range (see the help page). * the new function kernelkc (and related functions) now allows the estimation of the utilization distribution in space and time of animals using the product kernel algorithm advocated by Keating and Cherry (Ecology, in press). * the new function findmaxasc allows to find the local maxima on a map of class 'asc'. It can be potentially useful to identify the points of attraction in the home range of an animal (modes of the utilization distribution). * the new functions engen2008I and engen2008II implements the method of Engen et al. (2008, Journal of Animal Ecology) for the study of habitat selection using multivariate data. * The function dunnfa performs a factorial decomposition of the Mahalanobis distances in habitat selection studies. This method has been suggested by Prof. James Dunn as an alternative * A new bug tracking system has been set up for adehabitat thanks to the great work of Paolo Cavallini (Faunalia). It is available at: Any other project intended to manage, store, analyze animals movements can be added there, provided it is free and open source. * Note that my e-mail adress has changed. It is now: clement.calenge at Happy testing, Cl?ment Calenge -- Cl?ment CALENGE Office national de la chasse et de la faune sauvage Saint Benoist - 78610 Auffargis tel. (33)