>package ?rlang? successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
>Warning in install.packages :
> cannot remove prior installation of package ?rlang?
indicates that rlang didn't get re-installed. It is a warning because R
seems to think it could still be working, but it isn't verifying that
Below that,
>ERROR: dependency 'rlang' is not available for package
indicates that there is still a problem with rlang.
The "cannot remove prior installation" often means that the installed
package is open, or you have some other program (File Manager?) holding one of
the directories open. Be sure to shut down all but one instance of R before
modifying your package library.
It is also possible that anti-virus software is being overly protective.
And DONT keep bashing on the package that depends on rlang... install the one
that was at the root of the problem: rlang. Only after that succeeds should you
go back and try lifecycle. Once that one works, try installing/updating readxl
On December 1, 2021 1:38:37 PM PST, Dennis Weygand <dpweygand at> wrote:>I have been using read_excel for years... suddenly today I have this
>> T1 <- read_excel(fname,sheet="T1")
>Error in loadNamespace(i, c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[i]])
> there is no package called ?lifecycle?
>So I install lifecycle:
>WARNING: Rtools is required to build R packages but is not currently
>installed. Please download and install the appropriate version of Rtools
>before proceeding:
>Installing package into ?C:/Users/dennisweygand/Documents/R/win-library/3.5?
>(as ?lib? is unspecified)
>also installing the dependency ?rlang?
> There are binary versions available but the source versions are later:
> binary source needs_compilation
>rlang 0.4.5 0.4.12 TRUE
>lifecycle 0.2.0 1.0.1 FALSE
> Binaries will be installed
>trying URL
>Content type 'application/zip' length 1115838 bytes (1.1 MB)
>downloaded 1.1 MB
>package ?rlang? successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
>Warning in install.packages :
> cannot remove prior installation of package ?rlang?
>The downloaded binary packages are in
>installing the source package ?lifecycle?
>trying URL
>Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 99716 bytes (97 KB)
>downloaded 97 KB
>ERROR: dependency 'rlang' is not available for package
>* removing
>Warning in install.packages :
> installation of package ?lifecycle? had non-zero exit status
>The downloaded source packages are in
>Did it work?
>Try it again:
>> T1 <- read_excel(fname,sheet="T1")
>Error in loadNamespace(i, c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[i]])
> there is no package called ?lifecycle?
>I am clueless: what am I doing wrong?
>Can anyone help?
>D.P. Weygand
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Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.