R help - Jul 2018

Tuesday July 31 2018
11:01PM 0 read txt file - date - no space
10:04PM 2 read txt file - date - no space
5:55PM 0 RStudio 1.1.453 - Windows 10 - How to subset named vector by names that are NOT "foo"
5:54PM 0 RStudio 1.1.453 - Windows 10 - How to subset named vector by names that are NOT "foo"
5:50PM 0 RStudio 1.1.453 - Windows 10 - How to subset named vector by names that are NOT "foo"
5:41PM 5 RStudio 1.1.453 - Windows 10 - How to subset named vector by names that are NOT "foo"
1:11PM 0 read txt file - date - no space
10:39AM 0 Unexpected YAML
9:12AM 2 read txt file - date - no space
9:02AM 0 read txt file - date - no space
8:51AM 2 read txt file - date - no space
8:40AM 0 read txt file - date - no space
7:02AM 2 Unexpected YAML
12:23AM 0 Plot Rclimdex or Climpact map with R
Monday July 30 2018
11:25PM 2 read txt file - date - no space
11:03PM 0 read txt file - date - no space
7:27PM 0 Unexpected YAML
7:14PM 3 Unexpected YAML
3:24PM 1 (no subject)
3:18PM 1 Plot Rclimdex or Climpact map with R
2:29PM 3 read txt file - date - no space
1:06PM 0 dbGetQuery() returns wrong value
11:15AM 3 dbGetQuery() returns wrong value
11:00AM 0 dbGetQuery() returns wrong value
8:57AM 2 dbGetQuery() returns wrong value
12:24AM 0 A quick question on devRate package
Saturday July 28 2018
11:04PM 1 Grouped boxplots using ggplot() from ggplot2.
3:05PM 0 a suggestion about the display of structural variants in R
2:54PM 0 Grouped boxplots using ggplot() from ggplot2.
2:52PM 2 a suggestion about the display of structural variants in R
1:42PM 0 a suggestion about the display of structural variants in R
12:36PM 0 Saving objects in RData file in different name
11:34AM 3 Saving objects in RData file in different name
9:34AM 2 Grouped boxplots using ggplot() from ggplot2.
6:24AM 2 a suggestion about the display of structural variants in R
6:18AM 0 subsetting ls() as per class...
6:11AM 0 subsetting ls() as per class...
5:58AM 5 subsetting ls() as per class...
5:03AM 0 Grouped boxplots using ggplot() from ggplot2.
3:35AM 2 Grouped boxplots using ggplot() from ggplot2.
Friday July 27 2018
6:26PM 0 RStudio 1.1.453 - Windows 10 - How to see detailed results of every calculation step
5:56PM 0 Formatting summary() output to a file
4:56PM 1 Formatting summary() output to a file
4:55PM 0 RStudio 1.1.453 - Windows 10 - How to see detailed results of every calculation step
4:40PM 0 Formatting summary() output to a file
4:32PM 0 RStudio 1.1.453 - Windows 10 - How to see detailed results of every calculation step
4:12PM 0 RStudio 1.1.453 - Windows 10 - How to see detailed results of every calculation step
4:02PM 0 RStudio 1.1.453 - Windows 10 - How to see detailed results of every calculation step
3:52PM 2 Formatting summary() output to a file
3:44PM 0 Formatting summary() output to a file
3:40PM 0 Formatting summary() output to a file
3:20PM 6 Formatting summary() output to a file
3:07PM 8 RStudio 1.1.453 - Windows 10 - How to see detailed results of every calculation step
11:45AM 0 Using apply function to merge list of data frames
8:13AM 2 how to locate specific line?
7:45AM 1 ESS issue: lines moved right 40 spaces
Thursday July 26 2018
10:29PM 1 How to limit an isotonic step regression to exactly n steps?
8:10PM 0 Creatng new variable based upon conditions
7:18PM 0 Breaking the samplesize package from CRAN
6:58PM 3 Creatng new variable based upon conditions
6:44PM 0 Creatng new variable based upon conditions
6:24PM 0 ESS issue: lines moved right 40 spaces
6:09PM 0 ESS issue: lines moved right 40 spaces
5:55PM 2 ESS issue: lines moved right 40 spaces
5:55PM 2 ESS issue: lines moved right 40 spaces
5:48PM 0 ESS issue: lines moved right 40 spaces
5:46PM 0 ESS issue: lines moved right 40 spaces
5:42PM 1 ESS issue: lines moved right 40 spaces
5:22PM 4 ESS issue: lines moved right 40 spaces
4:49PM 2 Breaking the samplesize package from CRAN
4:36PM 0 SQL Database
3:25PM 2 SQL Database
3:15PM 0 Unable to Change Library Paths in R 3.5.1 in Windows 10
10:34AM 1 Unable to Change Library Paths in R 3.5.1 in Windows 10
2:07AM 0 Formatting multi-way ANOVA output for spectra analysis
Wednesday July 25 2018
11:14PM 0 Batch mode questions.
10:53PM 0 problem with installing packages
9:54PM 2 Batch mode questions.
9:51PM 0 Unable to Change Library Paths in R 3.5.1 in Windows 10
8:27PM 1 A couple of batch mode questions
8:17PM 2 Unable to Change Library Paths in R 3.5.1 in Windows 10
8:02PM 0 A couple of batch mode questions
7:48PM 2 A couple of batch mode questions
6:41PM 0 A couple of batch mode questions
5:43PM 0 initiate elements in a dataframe with lists
5:28PM 2 A couple of batch mode questions
5:11PM 1 Formatting multi-way ANOVA output for spectra analysis
4:36PM 0 A couple of batch mode questions
3:22PM 4 A couple of batch mode questions
2:57PM 2 SQL Database
2:47PM 0 A couple of batch mode questions
2:41PM 2 A couple of batch mode questions
2:35PM 1 DiagrammeR and grViz
1:26PM 0 initiate elements in a dataframe with lists
1:21PM 5 initiate elements in a dataframe with lists
11:21AM 1 Query on convergence
9:56AM 0 initiate elements in a dataframe with lists
8:23AM 4 initiate elements in a dataframe with lists
7:56AM 0 initiate elements in a dataframe with lists
7:26AM 0 initiate elements in a dataframe with lists
6:55AM 5 initiate elements in a dataframe with lists
6:17AM 3 Using apply function to merge list of data frames
12:48AM 1 coloring edges in IGRAPH
Tuesday July 24 2018
2:25PM 0 Issue : Time to run a model on different computers
12:19PM 0 historic(al) algorithms in R
10:17AM 1 Stop a loop if it takes long time
3:21AM 1 RStudio Exploratory Factor Analysis: write a function that extracts an increasing number of factors
Monday July 23 2018
12:54PM 0 [bug] spdep package?
12:01PM 2 [bug] spdep package?
11:43AM 1 pROC
10:58AM 0 [FORGED] [bug] spdep package?
10:39AM 0 [bug] spdep package?
10:30AM 4 [bug] spdep package?
Sunday July 22 2018
10:40PM 0 Automate running files in R
8:26PM 3 Automate running files in R
12:24PM 2 Issue : Time to run a model on different computers
12:50AM 1 Possible solution to R installation problemst for Linux Mint 19 users
Saturday July 21 2018
4:53PM 0 (no subject)
4:39PM 3 Problem with mean()
2:28PM 0 Install BMR package - Mac
1:00PM 2 Install BMR package - Mac
10:36AM 0 Fwd: Re: scatter plot coloring problem
Friday July 20 2018
9:57PM 1 Query on while loop
8:59PM 0 Locating data source error in large file
8:44PM 0 Locating data source error in large file
8:42PM 1 Locating data source error in large file
8:30PM 2 Locating data source error in large file
8:24PM 2 Locating data source error in large file
8:01PM 0 Locating data source error in large file
7:59PM 0 Locating data source error in large file
7:18PM 0 Locating data source error in large file
6:58PM 7 Locating data source error in large file
6:21PM 0 Locating data source error in large file
5:43PM 2 Locating data source error in large file
12:36PM 0 Suggestions for scatter plot of many data
11:27AM 0 scatter plot coloring problem
11:01AM 2 scatter plot coloring problem
10:28AM 0 scatter plot coloring problem
10:15AM 2 scatter plot coloring problem
Thursday July 19 2018
10:17PM 1 Suggestions for scatter plot of many data
10:14PM 0 Scripting a repeating work flow
10:04PM 2 Scripting a repeating work flow
9:34PM 0 Solved: RE: xtable does not print out units of a variable
9:01PM 1 Read in data table, change columns from factors [RESOLVED]
8:21PM 0 Read in data table, change columns from factors [RESOLVED]
8:10PM 2 Read in data table, change columns from factors
7:33PM 1 Read in data table, change columns from factors
7:10PM 0 Suggestions for scatter plot of many data
5:02PM 0 Read in data table, change columns from factors
4:10PM 3 Read in data table, change columns from factors
1:37PM 0 Suggestions for scatter plot of many data
1:35PM 0 Read in data table, change columns from factors
11:52AM 2 xtable does not print out units of a variable
7:44AM 0 Help with knitr pkg
2:51AM 0 help with merging two dataframes function of "egrep"-like formulas
2:25AM 0 xtable does not print out units of a variable
12:54AM 2 Read in data table, change columns from factors
Wednesday July 18 2018
11:32PM 0 Read in data table, change columns from factors
11:07PM 2 Read in data table, change columns from factors
11:04PM 0 GGPlot plot
11:03PM 2 help with merging two dataframes function of "egrep"-like formulas
11:00PM 0 help with merging two dataframes function of "egrep"-like formulas
10:53PM 2 xtable does not print out units of a variable
10:17PM 0 Read in data table, change columns from factors
10:12PM 0 help with merging two dataframes function of "egrep"-like formulas
9:50PM 2 Read in data table, change columns from factors
8:55PM 7 Suggestions for scatter plot of many data
7:16PM 1 Query regarding simulating weibull aft model with predefined censoring rate
4:47PM 5 GGPlot plot
4:33PM 3 Help with knitr pkg
Tuesday July 17 2018
4:18PM 0 Where does ' Setting LC_CTYPE failed, using "C" ' come from? 2
3:02PM 0 Scaling - does it get any better results than not scaling?
2:36PM 2 Where does ' Setting LC_CTYPE failed, using "C" ' come from? 2
12:46PM 0 Where does ' Setting LC_CTYPE failed, using "C" ' come from? 2
12:09PM 1 help erroer solnp
8:02AM 2 Scaling - does it get any better results than not scaling?
6:32AM 2 Where does ' Setting LC_CTYPE failed, using "C" ' come from? 2
4:53AM 3 Scaling - does it get any better results than not scaling?
Monday July 16 2018
8:19PM 1 scale_y_continuous with sec.axis
6:46PM 0 How to try different effect sizes for Fisher's exact test?
5:46PM 1 grep
3:13PM 0 Where does ' Setting LC_CTYPE failed, using "C" ' come from?
12:23PM 0 Hierarchical Version of Bayesian Change Detection Model in JAGS
10:58AM 1 undo compile? (or: remove bytecode from closure)
10:57AM 0 R and Logistic Regression Classifier for ML
10:00AM 0 Help in debugging a script
9:31AM 0 undo compile? (or: remove bytecode from closure)
6:42AM 2 Help in debugging a script
2:25AM 2 undo compile? (or: remove bytecode from closure)
Sunday July 15 2018
1:25PM 3 (no subject)
12:25PM 0 (no subject)
6:07AM 0 even display of unevenly spaced numbers on x/y coordinates
5:34AM 2 even display of unevenly spaced numbers on x/y coordinates
5:25AM 0 even display of unevenly spaced numbers on x/y coordinates
5:16AM 3 even display of unevenly spaced numbers on x/y coordinates
2:19AM 1 get "massdist" in R
Saturday July 14 2018
5:41PM 1 No transactions/positions to chart in Quantstrat
1:04PM 1 Error custom indicator Quantstrat colnames
1:02PM 1 Quantstrat custom indicator colnames error
11:18AM 0 optim function
9:40AM 1 Custom Indicator Quantstrat Problem
1:54AM 0 Making objects global in a package
1:50AM 2 Making objects global in a package
1:17AM 0 Making objects global in a package
12:51AM 3 Making objects global in a package
Friday July 13 2018
9:24PM 2 Rmpi fails to install
6:43PM 1 optim function
1:46AM 2 Forecasting methods in R
Thursday July 12 2018
4:40PM 0 Simplify the loop over the 3rd dimension of a 3D array
4:09PM 1 Help with replace()
3:34PM 2 Simplify the loop over the 3rd dimension of a 3D array
3:28PM 0 Help with replace()
3:17PM 2 Help with replace()
7:44AM 0 Generate N random numbers with a given probability and condition
Wednesday July 11 2018
5:14PM 0 Generate N random numbers with a given probability and condition
10:23AM 1 [FORGED] Re: Generate N random numbers with a given probability and condition
12:46AM 0 Generate N random numbers with a given probability and condition
12:11AM 3 Generate N random numbers with a given probability and condition
Tuesday July 10 2018
11:19PM 0 Revolutions blog: June 2018 roundup
12:00PM 0 Something simple not working in group_by
11:43AM 2 inconsistency in display of character vector....
10:31AM 0 select.list cuts results to 100 characters on Win 10 when graphics = TRUE
7:00AM 0 (no subject)
Monday July 9 2018
10:35PM 1 Help with creating subset of a data frame
10:32PM 0 Something simple not working in group_by
9:35PM 4 Something simple not working in group_by
7:42PM 2 (no subject)
7:40PM 0 (no subject)
6:03PM 0 (no subject)
5:01PM 0 Using write.csv as a connection for read.csv
3:44PM 0 Using write.csv as a connection for read.csv
3:17PM 3 Using write.csv as a connection for read.csv
2:51PM 0 Using write.csv as a connection for read.csv
2:42PM 6 Using write.csv as a connection for read.csv
1:34PM 1 glmer won't allow quasi- distribution mixed models
1:26PM 0 Zoo changing time-zone when I merge 2 zoo time series
12:13PM 7 (no subject)
10:22AM 2 Zoo changing time-zone when I merge 2 zoo time series
10:18AM 1 Package installation
8:46AM 0 R couldnt recognize US Pasific timezome
8:41AM 0 about ECDF display in ggplot2
8:14AM 2 R couldnt recognize US Pasific timezome
6:45AM 0 inconsistency in display of character vector....
6:43AM 2 inconsistency in display of character vector....
12:44AM 2 about ECDF display in ggplot2
Sunday July 8 2018
4:26PM 2 Fwd: Question
3:04PM 0 Fwd: Question
2:08PM 2 Fwd: Question
1:48PM 1 inconsistency in display of character vector....
12:37PM 0 Fw: inconsistency in display of character vector....
12:28PM 4 inconsistency in display of character vector....
10:52AM 0 Help with mixOmics rcc-tune
9:51AM 0 replicate rows
8:44AM 2 replicate rows
8:41AM 2 consider running tools::compactPDF(gs_quality = "ebook")
Saturday July 7 2018
7:53PM 1 Spatial Clustering with spdep::skater
9:42AM 0 pbmclapply is very much faster than mclapply....
Friday July 6 2018
11:32PM 1 about ECDF display in ggplot2
11:30PM 1 Generate random Bernoulli draws
11:27PM 0 Generate random Bernoulli draws
10:31PM 2 Generate random Bernoulli draws
5:18PM 0 Generate random Bernoulli draws
2:29PM 1 Do there need to be the same number of y-values for each x-value when using tapply?
11:33AM 0 Generate random Bernoulli draws
9:37AM 1 progress of a function...
5:35AM 5 Generate random Bernoulli draws
5:32AM 0 Generate random Bernoulli draws
5:23AM 2 Generate random Bernoulli draws
3:56AM 0 code to run a simulation
Thursday July 5 2018
10:44PM 0 command to change some vars to missing into my dataset
8:28PM 3 command to change some vars to missing into my dataset
6:01PM 0 "igraph0" package installation
8:39AM 3 "igraph0" package installation
Wednesday July 4 2018
11:11PM 0 Generate N random numbers with a given probability and condition
10:21PM 8 Generate N random numbers with a given probability and condition
9:34PM 1 ASExtras library
5:16PM 1 R is creating a new level which is emty after importing a SAS file
3:52PM 0 ASExtras library
11:06AM 1 prod(NaN, NA) vs. prod(NA, NaN)
10:11AM 0 gamlss() vs glm() standard errors via summary() vs vcov()
9:08AM 2 gamlss() vs glm() standard errors via summary() vs vcov()
1:34AM 2 ASExtras library
Tuesday July 3 2018
9:40PM 0 ggplot2 version 3
9:08PM 2 ggplot2 version 3
5:12PM 0 Combine by columns a vector with another vector that is constant across rows
3:47PM 2 Combine by columns a vector with another vector that is constant across rows
3:23PM 2 Structure to ts Error in attributes(.Data) <- c(attributes(.Data), attrib) :
3:21PM 0 Combine by columns a vector with another vector that is constant across rows
3:05PM 0 limit windows() rescale/resize options
2:46PM 0 Combine by columns a vector with another vector that is constant across rows
2:09PM 1 R maintains old values
1:28PM 5 Combine by columns a vector with another vector that is constant across rows
1:25PM 0 R maintains old values
12:24PM 1 prod(NaN, NA) vs. prod(NA, NaN)
10:33AM 0 R-help Digest, Vol 185, Issue 1
7:52AM 5 R maintains old values
Monday July 2 2018
8:22PM 1 Extracting the MAPE value from a fitted Time Series Model
3:11PM 0 R maintains old values
2:47PM 2 R maintains old values
2:34PM 0 R maintains old values
12:52PM 2 Regexp bug or misunderstanding
12:28PM 1 doMPI: script hangs on closeCluster
12:02PM 3 R maintains old values
5:54AM 1 running Rmpi with SGE on a cluster
Sunday July 1 2018
3:59PM 0 running Rmpi with SGE on a cluster
2:59PM 1 A question on Statistics
1:32PM 2 running Rmpi with SGE on a cluster
12:53PM 0 A question on Statistics
12:22PM 0 parallel processing in r...
11:31AM 3 parallel processing in r...
2:34AM 2 A question on Statistics
1:14AM 1 Convert list of data frames to one data frame