Jixian (Jason) Wang
2017-Sep-26 15:14 UTC
[R] Any package which takes the likelihood function and do Lasso fitting?
Dear all, I am looking for a package that takes the likelihood function and use the L1 penalty for MLE. More specifically I would like to fit the Hawke process model using the function likelihoodHawkes() in package "hawkes" https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/hawkes/hawkes.pdf. Had a look at lasso packages at CRAN and couldn't find a general purpose one. Although I can use an optimizer, I guess it may be less efficient than specific ones for Lasso. I would be grateful for suggestions on packages or on how to efficiently use a general optimizer. Best wishes Jason [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
Possibly Parallel Threads
- How to get lasso fit coefficient(given penalty tuning parameter \lambda) using lars package
- penalized quantile regression (rq.fit.lasso)
- Selecting correlated predictors with LASSO
- Lasso for k-subset regression
- parcor 0.2-2 - Regularized Partial Correlation Matrices with (adaptive) Lasso, PLS, and Ridge Regression