Hello R Users,
I am trying to use the svyolr command and coming up with the following error:
Error in MASS::polr(formula, data = df, ..., Hess = TRUE, model = FALSE, :
attempt to find suitable starting values failed>From what I have read online, a possible solution is to specify a value in
the start argument of svyolr; unfortunately, I have not been able to find any
detailed/clear descriptions about how to go about specifying values for the
start argument. Any help in explaining how to go about establishing reasonable
start values would be greatly appreciated.
library (survey)
data <-
elsq1ch <- read.csv(text = data)
#Specifying the svyrepdesign object which applies the BRR weights
elsq1ch_brr<-svrepdesign(variables = elsq1ch[,1:16], repweights =
elsq1ch[,18:217], weights = elsq1ch[,17], combined.weights = TRUE, type =
allCColr <-
Courtney Benjamin
Broome-Tioga BOCES
Automotive Technology II Teacher
Located at Gault Toyota
Doctoral Candidate-Educational Theory & Practice
State University of New York at Binghamton
cbenjami at btboces.org<mailto:cbenjami at btboces.org>
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