We're announcing the initial CRAN release of 'rpostgisLT' (v0.4.0),
is an extension to our 'rpostgis
rpostgisLT is aimed at those using R and/or the PostgreSQL/PostGIS database
system to manage and analyze animal trajectory (movement) data. Package
functions allow bi-directional transfer between the database and
objects from the R package "adehabitatLT
has an extensive set of trajectory manipulation and analysis functions.
To install the package:
To get started, please take a look at the Readme
<https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/rpostgisLT/README.html>, and to
learn more, check out the package vignettes on the database data model
and more advanced use cases
The package main development area can be found on GitHub; any bugs, issues,
or feature requests can be submitted through the "issues" page there:
David Bucklin
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