Dear All I have created a permanent corpus and I can see the file exist: setwd("E:/textmining/texts") (data_mined_permanent <- PCorpus(DirSource(("E:/textmining/texts")), readerControl = list(languages = "eng"), dbControl = list(dbName="E:/textmining/db_one",dbType = "DB1"))) print(list.files(path = "E:/textmining/")) ## [1] "corpora" "db_one" ## [3] "part_one.pdf" "part_one.rmd" ## [5] "processing_corpra.pdf" "processing_corpra.rmd" ## [7] "textmining.pdf" "textmining.rmd" ## [9] "textmining2.pdf" "textmining2.Rmd" ## [11] "textmining3.pdf" "textmining3.Rmd" However I cannot see how to reload the said corpus after restarting an R session. I've seen this So can I create a corpus and just reload the file persistent copy or not? Cheers Paul Paul Johnston Research Infrastructure Room B39 Sackville Street Building ? We would run with all of our might Push the king off to take the hill And to learn who was king