Sorry about not providing code; I didn't think to just simulate dummy code. Here's a situation where I have <1 year of data, hourly time sampling, and the error that I get using my actual data: ### X[2]=seq.POSIXt(ISOdate(2015,11,1),by='hour',length.out=6000) X[3]=sample(100,size=6000,replace=T) Y=xts(X[,3],[,2]) decompose(Y) Z=ts(X[,2],start=c(2015,11),frequency=24*365) plot(decompose(Z)) ### Am I missing something obvious here? I hope so... -- Ryan Utz, Ph.D. Assistant professor of water resources *chatham**UNIVERSITY* Home/Cell: (724) 272-7769 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]