Hi, Is it possible to get the path and name of the running R file ? Jean -------------- next part -------------- Ce message et toutes les pi?ces jointes (ci-apr?s le 'Message') sont ?tablis ? l'intention exclusive des destinataires et les informations qui y figurent sont strictement confidentielles. Toute utilisation de ce Message non conforme ? sa destination, toute diffusion ou toute publication totale ou partielle, est interdite sauf autorisation expresse. Si vous n'?tes pas le destinataire de ce Message, il vous est interdit de le copier, de le faire suivre, de le divulguer ou d'en utiliser tout ou partie. Si vous avez re?u ce Message par erreur, merci de le supprimer de votre syst?me, ainsi que toutes ses copies, et de n'en garder aucune trace sur quelque support que ce soit. Nous vous remercions ?galement d'en avertir imm?diatement l'exp?diteur par retour du message. Il est impossible de garantir que les communications par messagerie ?lectronique arrivent en temps utile, sont s?curis?es ou d?nu?es de toute erreur ou virus. ____________________________________________________ This message and any attachments (the 'Message') are intended solely for the addressees. The information contained in this Message is confidential. Any use of information contained in this Message not in accord with its purpose, any dissemination or disclosure, either whole or partial, is prohibited except formal approval. If you are not the addressee, you may not copy, forward, disclose or use any part of it. If you have received this message in error, please delete it and all copies from your system and notify the sender immediately by return message. E-mail communication cannot be guaranteed to be timely secure, error or virus-free.
Hi What do you mean by R file? When you start R session you can get actual working directory by mydir <- getwd() and info about files in this directory by list.files() Cheers Petr> -----Original Message----- > From: R-help [mailto:r-help-bounces at r-project.org] On Behalf Of MAURICE > Jean - externe > Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2016 8:01 AM > To: r-help at r-project.org > Subject: [R] path + name of the running R file > > Hi, > > Is it possible to get the path and name of the running R file ? > > Jean________________________________ Tento e-mail a jak?koliv k n?mu p?ipojen? dokumenty jsou d?v?rn? a jsou ur?eny pouze jeho adres?t?m. Jestli?e jste obdr?el(a) tento e-mail omylem, informujte laskav? neprodlen? jeho odes?latele. Obsah tohoto emailu i s p??lohami a jeho kopie vyma?te ze sv?ho syst?mu. Nejste-li zam??len?m adres?tem tohoto emailu, nejste opr?vn?ni tento email jakkoliv u??vat, roz?i?ovat, kop?rovat ?i zve?ej?ovat. Odes?latel e-mailu neodpov?d? za eventu?ln? ?kodu zp?sobenou modifikacemi ?i zpo?d?n?m p?enosu e-mailu. V p??pad?, ?e je tento e-mail sou??st? obchodn?ho jedn?n?: - vyhrazuje si odes?latel pr?vo ukon?it kdykoliv jedn?n? o uzav?en? smlouvy, a to z jak?hokoliv d?vodu i bez uveden? d?vodu. - a obsahuje-li nab?dku, je adres?t opr?vn?n nab?dku bezodkladn? p?ijmout; Odes?latel tohoto e-mailu (nab?dky) vylu?uje p?ijet? nab?dky ze strany p??jemce s dodatkem ?i odchylkou. - trv? odes?latel na tom, ?e p??slu?n? smlouva je uzav?ena teprve v?slovn?m dosa?en?m shody na v?ech jej?ch n?le?itostech. - odes?latel tohoto emailu informuje, ?e nen? opr?vn?n uzav?rat za spole?nost ??dn? smlouvy s v?jimkou p??pad?, kdy k tomu byl p?semn? zmocn?n nebo p?semn? pov??en a takov? pov??en? nebo pln? moc byly adres?tovi tohoto emailu p??padn? osob?, kterou adres?t zastupuje, p?edlo?eny nebo jejich existence je adres?tovi ?i osob? j?m zastoupen? zn?m?. This e-mail and any documents attached to it may be confidential and are intended only for its intended recipients. If you received this e-mail by mistake, please immediately inform its sender. Delete the contents of this e-mail with all attachments and its copies from your system. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you are not authorized to use, disseminate, copy or disclose this e-mail in any manner. The sender of this e-mail shall not be liable for any possible damage caused by modifications of the e-mail or by delay with transfer of the email. In case that this e-mail forms part of business dealings: - the sender reserves the right to end negotiations about entering into a contract in any time, for any reason, and without stating any reasoning. - if the e-mail contains an offer, the recipient is entitled to immediately accept such offer; The sender of this e-mail (offer) excludes any acceptance of the offer on the part of the recipient containing any amendment or variation. - the sender insists on that the respective contract is concluded only upon an express mutual agreement on all its aspects. - the sender of this e-mail informs that he/she is not authorized to enter into any contracts on behalf of the company except for cases in which he/she is expressly authorized to do so in writing, and such authorization or power of attorney is submitted to the recipient or the person represented by the recipient, or the existence of such authorization is known to the recipient of the person represented by the recipient.
Hi Petr, I am an old FORTRAN programmer and new to R. The 'philosophy' of R is very very far from FORTRAN ! So, may be I am wrong but : I want to test 3 projects. In fact, these 3 projects are identical but not in the same directory : one within Git (a source management), one on the server and the last one on my local machine. When I run the one in Git, R bombs (and I have no error code, line number, ...). I try to detect what is wrong. So I add cat(), browser() ... to try to 'narrow' the fault (is that clear ?) and the "source()" command is in my target. So I change the current project every 5 minutes ... So when I launch (start ?) the execution of one project and in some functions , I'd like to have the path + name of the .R file being used (perhaps the 'main' file of Git project is doing a source() on a file on the server instead of the one on the Git directory : do you see what I am looking for ?). In other words, I am not sure 100% of the "source()" command and I want to verify it ... Jean Ce message et toutes les pi?ces jointes (ci-apr?s le 'Message') sont ?tablis ? l'intention exclusive des destinataires et les informations qui y figurent sont strictement confidentielles. Toute utilisation de ce Message non conforme ? sa destination, toute diffusion ou toute publication totale ou partielle, est interdite sauf autorisation expresse. Si vous n'?tes pas le destinataire de ce Message, il vous est interdit de le copier, de le faire suivre, de le divulguer ou d'en utiliser tout ou partie. Si vous avez re?u ce Message par erreur, merci de le supprimer de votre syst?me, ainsi que toutes ses copies, et de n'en garder aucune trace sur quelque support que ce soit. Nous vous remercions ?galement d'en avertir imm?diatement l'exp?diteur par retour du message. Il est impossible de garantir que les communications par messagerie ?lectronique arrivent en temps utile, sont s?curis?es ou d?nu?es de toute erreur ou virus. ____________________________________________________ This message and any attachments (the 'Message') are intended solely for the addressees. The information contained in this Message is confidential. Any use of information contained in this Message not in accord with its purpose, any dissemination or disclosure, either whole or partial, is prohibited except formal approval. If you are not the addressee, you may not copy, forward, disclose or use any part of it. If you have received this message in error, please delete it and all copies from your system and notify the sender immediately by return message. E-mail communication cannot be guaranteed to be timely secure, error or virus-free.
Hi Maurice, If you have used "source" to run an R script, perhaps you could try something like this: get.running.file<-function(pattern="source",...) { file1 <- tempfile("Rrawhist") savehistory(file1) rawhist <- readLines(file1) unlink(file1) last.source<-grep(pattern,rev(rawhist),value=TRUE)[1] sourced.file<-unlist(strsplit(last.source,'"'))[2] return(sourced.file) } This is taken from the "history" function and tries to find the last "source" command in the command history and extract the name of the sourced file. It is very rough, but it does work as long as the first argument to the "source" function is the quoted name of the sourced file. Jim On Wed, Mar 2, 2016 at 6:01 PM, MAURICE Jean - externe <jean-externe.maurice at edf.fr> wrote:> Hi, > > Is it possible to get the path and name of the running R file ? > > Jean > > > > > Ce message et toutes les pi?ces jointes (ci-apr?s le 'Message') sont ?tablis ? l'intention exclusive des destinataires et les informations qui y figurent sont strictement confidentielles. Toute utilisation de ce Message non conforme ? sa destination, toute diffusion ou toute publication totale ou partielle, est interdite sauf autorisation expresse. > > Si vous n'?tes pas le destinataire de ce Message, il vous est interdit de le copier, de le faire suivre, de le divulguer ou d'en utiliser tout ou partie. Si vous avez re?u ce Message par erreur, merci de le supprimer de votre syst?me, ainsi que toutes ses copies, et de n'en garder aucune trace sur quelque support que ce soit. Nous vous remercions ?galement d'en avertir imm?diatement l'exp?diteur par retour du message. > > Il est impossible de garantir que les communications par messagerie ?lectronique arrivent en temps utile, sont s?curis?es ou d?nu?es de toute erreur ou virus. > ____________________________________________________ > > This message and any attachments (the 'Message') are intended solely for the addressees. The information contained in this Message is confidential. Any use of information contained in this Message not in accord with its purpose, any dissemination or disclosure, either whole or partial, is prohibited except formal approval. > > If you are not the addressee, you may not copy, forward, disclose or use any part of it. If you have received this message in error, please delete it and all copies from your system and notify the sender immediately by return message. > > E-mail communication cannot be guaranteed to be timely secure, error or virus-free. > > ______________________________________________ > R-help at r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see > https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help > PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html > and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
I suppose (think) that, in RStudio the shorcut alt+ctrl+R is converted to a source command so it can work : I try. Thanks Jean -----Message d'origine----- De?: drjimlemon at gmail.com [mailto:drjimlemon at gmail.com] Envoy??: mercredi 2 mars 2016 09:13 ??: MAURICE Jean - externe; r-help at r-project.org Objet?: Re: [R] path + name of the running R file Hi Maurice, If you have used "source" to run an R script, perhaps you could try something like this: get.running.file<-function(pattern="source",...) { file1 <- tempfile("Rrawhist") savehistory(file1) rawhist <- readLines(file1) unlink(file1) last.source<-grep(pattern,rev(rawhist),value=TRUE)[1] sourced.file<-unlist(strsplit(last.source,'"'))[2] return(sourced.file) } This is taken from the "history" function and tries to find the last "source" command in the command history and extract the name of the sourced file. It is very rough, but it does work as long as the first argument to the "source" function is the quoted name of the sourced file. Jim Ce message et toutes les pi?ces jointes (ci-apr?s le 'Message') sont ?tablis ? l'intention exclusive des destinataires et les informations qui y figurent sont strictement confidentielles. Toute utilisation de ce Message non conforme ? sa destination, toute diffusion ou toute publication totale ou partielle, est interdite sauf autorisation expresse. Si vous n'?tes pas le destinataire de ce Message, il vous est interdit de le copier, de le faire suivre, de le divulguer ou d'en utiliser tout ou partie. Si vous avez re?u ce Message par erreur, merci de le supprimer de votre syst?me, ainsi que toutes ses copies, et de n'en garder aucune trace sur quelque support que ce soit. Nous vous remercions ?galement d'en avertir imm?diatement l'exp?diteur par retour du message. Il est impossible de garantir que les communications par messagerie ?lectronique arrivent en temps utile, sont s?curis?es ou d?nu?es de toute erreur ou virus. ____________________________________________________ This message and any attachments (the 'Message') are intended solely for the addressees. The information contained in this Message is confidential. Any use of information contained in this Message not in accord with its purpose, any dissemination or disclosure, either whole or partial, is prohibited except formal approval. If you are not the addressee, you may not copy, forward, disclose or use any part of it. If you have received this message in error, please delete it and all copies from your system and notify the sender immediately by return message. E-mail communication cannot be guaranteed to be timely secure, error or virus-free.