Patrick Breheny
2015-Sep-28 14:56 UTC
[R] ASA Statistical Computing & Statistical Graphics Award
Statistical Computing and Statistical Graphics Sections American Statistical Association The Statistical Computing and Graphics Award The ASA Sections of Statistical Computing and Statistical Graphics have established the Statistical Computing and Graphics Award to recognize an individual or team for innovation in computing, software, or graphics that has had a great impact on statistical practice or research. The prize carries with it a cash award of $5,000 plus an allowance of up to $1,000 for travel to the annual Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM) where the award will be presented. The prize-winning contribution will have had significant and lasting impact on statistical computing, software or graphics. The Awards Committee depends on the American Statistical Association membership to submit nominations. Committee members will review the nominations and make the final determination of who, if any, should receive the award. The award may not be given to a sitting member of the Awards Committee or a sitting member of the Executive Committee of the Section of Statistical Computing or the Section of Statistical Graphics. Nominations are due by December 15, 2015. The award will be presented at the Joint Statistical Meetings in August 2016. Nominations should be submitted as a complete packet, consisting of: * nomination letter, no longer than four pages, addressing the impact of the nominee's contribution * nominee's curriculum vita(e) * maximum of four supporting letters, each no longer than two pages Nominations and questions should be sent to the Awards Chair of the Statistical Computing Section at the e-mail address below. Patrick Breheny Department of Biostatistics University of Iowa patrick-breheny at -- Patrick Breheny Assistant Professor Department of Biostatistics University of Iowa N336 College of Public Health Building 319-384-1584