The brute force answer involves for loops or apply functions, with or without
defining your own functions for calculating terms. More optimized methods
usually require understanding the specific structure of the summations and
unwinding them with functions like expand.grid. For more specific help, read the
Posting Guide (which among other things warns you to post in plain text) and
post a specific example of the type of problem that you want to solve.
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On September 28, 2015 8:26:56 AM PDT, Maram SAlem <marammagdysalem at> wrote:>Dear All,
>I'm trying to write and evaluate an equation which involves multiple
>summations but can't figure out how to do it.
>I've an numeric vector r
>r<-vector(mode = "numeric", length = m)
> and I have multiple summations (for ex.) of the form:
>[(sum from r[1]=0 to g(r[1])) (sum from r[2] =0 to g(r[2]))......(sum
>r[m] to g(r[m]))] {the sum is over some complicated expression in
>where g(r[i]) = m- (r[1] +r[2]+...+r[i-1])
>Any suggestions for some function or a package that can help me with
>Many Thanks,
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