David Villegas RĂos
2015-Jan-29 13:51 UTC
[R] Problem defining a grid in adehabitatHR (kernelUD)
Hi all, I'm trying to estimate a HR area for several individuals using kernelUD and kernel.area in adehabitatHR library. My code is: library(adehabitatHR) h=50 kud=kernelUD(detections[,1],h=h,grid=grid,extent=extent,kern=c("bivnorm")) area=kernel.area(kud,percent=95,unin ="m",unout="km2") If I set for example grid=300 and extent=0.5, and same4all=TRUE, I get apparently correct values. If I modify extent/grid, the output is pretty much the same. However I want to manually construct my grid based on a polygon delimited by some coordinates that define the study area. Like this: library(raster) # define the coordinates (all the detections fall inside the polygon) polyx<-c(495000,499000,499000,495000,495000) polyy<-c(6494000,6494000,6498500,6498500,6494000) loc=as.data.frame(cbind(polyx,polyy)) coordinates(loc)=c("polyx","polyy") proj4string(loc) <- CRS("+proj=utm +zone=32") # create the raster loc4=raster(loc,nrows=1000,ncols=1000) #transform to SpatialPixels class so it can be recognised by kernelUD() loc5=as(loc4, "SpatialPixelsDataFrame") grid=loc5 extent=0.5 kud=kernelUD(detections[,1],h=h,grid=grid,extent=extent,kern=c("bivnorm")) area=kernel.area(kud,percent=95,unin ="m",unout="km2")) I get incorrect values (all individuals the same incorrect HR), and the following warnings(): In kernel.area(j, percent, unin, unout) : The grid is too small to allow the estimation of home-range for the following value of percent: 95. You should rerun kernelUD with a larger extent parameter I tried different extent values up to 20 and still get the same warnings and erroneous values of HR... Any idea of what am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance, David [[alternative HTML version deleted]]