Hello, In July/August/September 2015 we will be running again a series of statistics courses in Australia. Confirmed courses: 1. Darwin: Data exploration, regression, GLM and GAM with introduction to R 2. Sydney: Introduction to mixed modelling, GLMM and MCMC with R 3. Canberra: Introduction to mixed modelling, GLMM and MCMC with R 4. Phillip Island Nature Parks: Data exploration and visualisation with R (with introduction to R) Dates & prices will be decided later. If you would like to participate in one of these courses, or organise any of the following 9 courses at your institute, please contact us for further information. 1. Introduction to R 2. Data exploration and visualisation with R (with introduction to R) 3. Multivariate analysis with R 4. Data exploration, regression, GLM and GAM with introduction to R 5. Introduction mixed modelling and GLMM (either frequentist or Bayesian+frequentist) 6. Introduction to GAM and GAMM (either frequentist or Bayesian+frequentist) 7. Introduction to Bayesian analysis and MCMC 8. Introduction to zero inflated GLM and GLMM with R. 9. Workshop using own data For flyers/prices/info of similar courses at other places see: http://www.highstat.com/statscourse.htm Kind regards, Alain -- Dr. Alain F. Zuur First author of: 1. Beginner's Guide to GAMM with R (2014). 2. Beginner's Guide to GLM and GLMM with R (2013). 3. Beginner's Guide to GAM with R (2012). 4. Zero Inflated Models and GLMM with R (2012). 5. A Beginner's Guide to R (2009). 6. Mixed effects models and extensions in ecology with R (2009). 7. Analysing Ecological Data (2007). Highland Statistics Ltd. 9 St Clair Wynd UK - AB41 6DZ Newburgh Tel: 0044 1358 788177 Email: highstat at highstat.com URL: www.highstat.com