> I computed determinant of a square matrix "var.r" using the SVD
> detr _ 1
> d _ svd(var.r)$d
> for (i in 1:length(d)) {
> detr _ detr*d[i]
> }
> print(detr)
> 30.20886
> BUT when I tried :
> det(var.r)
> I got :
> -30.20886
> Is this because SVD output will only give absolute of the eigenvalues ?
Yes, the singular values of A are the square roots of eigen values of A'A
(where the latter are non -ve of course, since A'A is +ve semi definite).
>, If
> this is the case
> how can I get the original eigenvalues?
- eigen(A)$values , for example.
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