Hello all,
may be someone can give me a hint how to
solve a little problem.
I'm trying to create some expressions inside
a for-loop which i want to evaluate AFTER this
creation loop (but loop specific).
To explain my problem here comes the code:
y.mat <- t(matrix(rep(84:90,8) + as.numeric(gl(8,7)),nrow=7))
# > y.mat[1:2,]
# [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7]
# [1,] 85 86 87 88 89 90 91
# [2,] 86 87 88 89 90 91 92
shift <- list()
for (i in 1:8) {
shift[[i]] <- expression(
paste("w1", y.mat[i,],sep="",collapse =
", "),")")
# which gives no error, but
> dimnames(eval(shift[[1]]))[2]
[1] "w189" "w190" "w191" "w192"
"w193" "w194" "w195"> dimnames(eval(shift[[4]]))[2]
[1] "w189" "w190" "w191" "w192"
"w193" "w194" "w195"
is all the same, because "i" is fixed by the last value
in the loop. So how can i change
> shift[1]
expression(eval(parse(text = paste("cbind(", paste("w1",
sep = "", collapse = ", "), ")"))))
to an "in-loop evaluating" of> paste("w1", y.mat[i,],sep="",collapse = ", ")
[1] "w189, w190, w191, w192, w193, w194, w195"
so that the expression looks like> shift[1]
expression(eval(parse(text = paste("cbind(",
"w189, w190, w191, w192, w193, w194, w195", ")"))))
hope this is understandable ;-)
Jan Goebel (mailto:jgoebel at diw.de)
DIW Berlin
Longitudinal Data and Microanalysis
K?nigin-Luise-Str. 5
D-14195 Berlin -- Germany --
phone: 49 30 89789-377
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