>> Elliot Williams <ewilliams at ucsd.edu> 04/25 6:52 PM
>> How do people do non-linear constrained maximization in R? If in
C, are >> there any packages people would recommend as being particularly
easy to >> interface/hack to work with R? And if not, does anyone want me
It looks like R's general optimization function, optim(),
only allows for box constraints. I, too, sometimes need to
solve problems with linear and sometimes non-linear
functions as constraints.
When I was in grad. school (last year), our system administrator
wrote a matlab wrapper for "NPSOLVE," which seemed
superior in terms of speed and accuracy as compared to the
optimizers packaged with matlab. It also allowed for linear
and non-linear constraints.
I always figured I would try to write an R wrapper the next time I
I needed such a thing, but that hasn't happened yet.
Has anyone out there written a wrapper for NPSOLVE?
Michael Roberts
Elliot Williams (ewilliams at ucsd.edu)
Economics Department, UC San Diego
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