On 07-Jul-2000 Gerhard Paass wrote:> I am planing to buy several machines with 2 GB RAM.
> Is R able to use this much memory?
Yes! We are happily running R on two Enterprise Servers with 2GB Ram.
R was behaving well if asked to comsume a lot of this RAM to work on large
> Thanks
> Gerhard
Detlef Steuer Universitaet Dortmund ///////
LS Computergestuetzte Statistik U N I D O ///
steuer at statistik.uni-dortmund.de ______///////
Tel: ++49 +231 755 4353 Fax: ++49 +231 755 4387 \_\_\_\/////
*** The root causes of bad leadership are greed, ***
*** aggressiveness, pride and resentment. ***
*** Analects, Konfuzius ***
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