Griffith Feeney <gfeeney at> writes:
> Subject command doesn't work with rw0901 running on win95 (of course)
> after looking at the vi and emacs code, I put
> textpad <- function(name = NULL, file = ""){
> edit(name, file, editor = "g:\\textpad\\txtpad32.exe")
> }
> Now
> x <- textpad()
Um, yes, that error message would be better as "use a command like x
<- edit()", especially in the upcoming R where edit() will call up
getOption("editor"). And in windows that would give you the Notepad
(for better or worse...).
> brings up the botched code in the textpad editor, as expected, but when I
> try to save changes I get an "Access to D:\s3vvkogv was denied"
> from the editor. The only way I've found to recover is to restart R,
> the changes in the edited function are lost. This is a nuisance, to say the
> least. Can anyone tell me a better way to handle this?
I've seen similar effects with W9x processes apparently fighting over
a file in ways that wouldn't happen on Unix. Looks like textpad
says that R is holding the file open. (I believe it was editing the
Rprofile with R running that turned out to be taboo for me at some
A fairly obvious workaround is to save the edited file to another name
and then source that into R (or x <- edit(file="c:\\whatever").
O__ ---- Peter Dalgaard Blegdamsvej 3
c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics 2200 Cph. N
(*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen Denmark Ph: (+45) 35327918
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