>>>>> On Tue, 28 Jul 1998 20:23:57 -0400 (EDT),
>>>>> Robert Burrows (RB) wrote:
RB> Hello,
RB> I have installed Venables & Ripley's VR_5.3pl025-1 in
RHOME/library/VR and
RB> added the path to my RLIBS environmental variable. In R (0.62.2) typing
RB> "library()" lists these packages, but typing e.g.
"library(nnet)" gets
RB> "Warning: Package 'nnet' contains no R code".
RB> It appears to me the code is there and I have checked the permissions and
RB> so forth. The packages that come with R (mva, eda, stepfun) all seem to
RB> load. What am I missing?
Hmm, installing VR always worked for me. Could you be more specific on
how you installed the package?
I always do
* unpack VR somewhere, e.g. in /tmp *
cd VR
R INSTALL MASS nnet spatial class
which never gave any problems.
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