I found a weird problem in testthat while working with an ALTREP package.
The package name is AltWrapper. My ALTREP serialize function is called even
when I'm trying to serialize a non-ALTREP object. Here is an example
setAltClass(className = "test", classType = "real")
setAltMethod(className = "test", getLength = length_func)
testData = runif(10)
myAltrep = makeAltrep("test", testData)
test_that("Auto serialize", {
A = 10
B = new.env()
There is nothing but two variables A and B in the test function. I use
browser() to stop and debug the code. Here is the weird thing, my package
function is called when I?m trying to serialize *A* and *B*:
Browse[1]> A = 10
Browse[1]> A_serialized=serialize(A,NULL)
Browse[1]> B = new.env()
Browse[1]> B_serialized=serialize(B,NULL)
serializing data
Auto serializing data
[1] "Internal serialize altWrapper function"
The output indicates that my package function is called. The function is
designed for an ALTREP object. Since *B* is not an ALTREP, I don?t
understand why the ALTREP related function has been called. Also, variable
A works find. It seems like R dispatches the serialize function according
to the variable type, but I am not sure if there is any way to see the
dispatching rules. Here are the things I have tried:
1. if I comment out the code that defines an ALTREP in my example, the bug
will disappear, so it might relate to the implementation of ALTREP.
2. If I run the test script in the global environment, R wouldn?t call the
internal function, it only happens when I call `devtools::test()`.
I am stuck here. I do not know if it is a bug of my package or testthat or
the ALTREP implementation of R or possibly the interaction between them. I
will appreciate if anyone can shed light on it. Here is the link to my
package test file:
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