The "figure margins too large" message is suppressed on replay because
that replay code is also played when resizing a graphics device (so if
it was printed to the console you could get millions of error messages
as you resized a window) - on replay, the message is drawn on the
graphics device instead (take a look at the PNG that your second example
creates), but that is not necessarily easy to access.
On 16/05/17 00:07, Jeroen Ooms wrote:> I was wondering if there is something that can be done to improve
> error messages when replaying a recorded plot. For example a graphics
> device that is too small usually results in a helpful error message:
> png(height = 100)
> plot(1)
> # Error in plot.new() : figure margins too large
> dev.off()
> However when this happens when replaying a recorded plot, the error
> message is not so helpful.
> myplot <- evaluate::evaluate("plot(1)")[[2]]
> png(height = 100)
> replayPlot(myplot)
> # Error in replayPlot(x) : invalid graphics state
> dev.off()
> A more informative error message that hints at what exactly is invalid
> about the graphics state would be very helpful in this case.
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Dr Paul Murrell
Department of Statistics
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
New Zealand
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paul at stat.auckland.ac.nz