On 10/05/2014, 7:12 PM, Michael Cohen wrote:> I wrote about this some time back as this new "feature" has made
R less
> convenient for me
> since I story many, say 1000 to 1500 diagnostic plots per session.
> Georgely Daroczi has a nice
> hack in Rapporter//pander which it makes it possible to replay a single
> bad plot by hacking the data
> structure so as to change an offending part. Not surprisingl.doing this to
> all my saved recordedplot objects
> produces a corrupt R state online, after all this is why this was removed
> i.e. it causes problems. Does somebody know exactly what the
> problem is with the current Data Structure so that using it after a load
> from the disk can lead to corruption of
> R. I would like to work on fixing this if it a fix is possible. Are there
> any posts about this? Who would know
> about this who might respond?
The saved structure is essentially a list of functions and arguments to
be called in sequence. Some of the functions take different arguments
in different R versions. There are likely also different behaviours for
the same arguments in other cases.
The only real documentation on this is in the source code.
A safer strategy to achieve what you want to do is to save the code and
data that produced each plot. Then at least if functions change you can
edit your saved copy and still get a plot.
Duncan Murdoch