I agree that it's cleaner to remove the extra attributes -- that's the
point of as.matrix.Surv(), to produce a matrix that doesn't include any
extra details of how Surv objects are implemented.
On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 3:48 AM, Terry Therneau <therneau@mayo.edu> wrote:
> 1. A Surv object is a matrix with some extra attributes. The
> as.matrix.Surv function removes the extras but otherwise leaves it as is.
> 2. The last several versions of the survival library were accidentally
> missing the S3method('as.matrix', 'Surv') line from their
> (Instead it's position is held by a duplicate of the line just above
it in
> the NAMESPACE file, suggesting a copy/paste error). As a consequence the
> as.matrix.Surv function was effectively ignored, and the default method was
> being used.
> The as.matrix.default function leaves anything with a "dim"
> alone.
> 3. In my current about-to-submit-to-CRAN version of survival the missing
> NAMESPACE line was restored. This breaks one function in one package (rms)
> which calls "as.matrix(y)" on a Surv object but then later looks
at the
> "type" attribute of y.
> So now to the design question: should the as.matrix.Surv function
> "sanitize" the result by removing the extra attributes, or should
it leave
> them alone? The first seems cleaner; my accidental multi-year test of
> leaving them in, however, clearly shows that it does no harm.
> Terry T.
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Thomas Lumley
Professor of Biostatistics
University of Auckland
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