R devel - Feb 2011

Monday February 28 2011
8:22PM 2 broken link on CRAN
12:00AM 0 sys.calls Behaviour
Friday February 25 2011
9:12PM 0 Named capture in regexp
6:24PM 1 Small enhancement for CMD check
2:36PM 1 R CMD build error (RProtoBuf on windows)
5:16AM 1 Sexpr problem
Thursday February 24 2011
9:15AM 0 Rd, S4 classes and PDFs
1:01AM 1 min/max of a vector with NAs and NaNs
Wednesday February 23 2011
11:21PM 1 system(wait = FALSE)
10:23PM 1 Easily switchable factor levels
7:55PM 1 factor() on a double vector
2:14PM 1 request for patch in "drop1" (add.R)
Tuesday February 22 2011
7:36PM 2 How to make a package with help pages in multiple languages?
3:53PM 0 Tcl/Tk Binding % Substitutions
10:42AM 3 error in memCompress() in make check
8:56AM 0 X error on r-forge
Monday February 21 2011
7:31PM 2 Anomaly in [.terms
6:30PM 1 Error in tools::build Vignettes (dir = ".")
4:14PM 0 [R] S4 classes: referencing slots with other slots
10:17AM 1 Problem with documentation of user-defined operator (S4 method)
8:14AM 1 Using src/ to create executable - how to not build shared objects?
Sunday February 20 2011
11:57PM 0 Reference classes: error with missing arguments in method calls
2:57AM 1 Demo and 00Index problems
12:50AM 2 Problem using F77_CALL(dgemm) in a package
Saturday February 19 2011
10:44PM 1 pre-release?
4:00AM 1 Set up new CRAN mirror; but have questions before finalizing.
3:12AM 1 Accessing Package NEWS (NEWS.Rd)
Friday February 18 2011
10:24AM 1 debugger() fails if "..." in function arguments
Thursday February 17 2011
6:29PM 2 Newbie Rccp module question. "Failed to initialize module pointer"???
5:07PM 2 Rd2pdf error in R12.0
5:41AM 0 Dependencies problem
Wednesday February 16 2011
6:36PM 0 method="radix" in sort.list() isn't actually a radix sort
6:21PM 0 return(); was Suggestions for "good teaching" packages
4:25PM 1 Ignoring .Rprofile when installing a package
2:00PM 1 R-Forge is dark
9:29AM 2 Avoiding name clashes: opinion on best practice naming conventions
Tuesday February 15 2011
6:11PM 1 matrixStats: Extend to arrays too (Was: Re: Suggestion: Adding quick rowMin and rowMax functions to base package)
6:04PM 6 Request: Suggestions for "good teaching" packages, esp. with C code
5:45PM 1 Reference classes and ".requireCachedGenerics"
3:31PM 0 Google Summer of Code 2011 - credit where it is due
2:48PM 1 Using rasterImage on a CairoWin device prevents adding further elements to device?
1:45PM 0 ave reports warning when nothing is wrong
8:42AM 1 gList and gTree methods of grid::grobX
7:54AM 1 S4 problems
Monday February 14 2011
9:03PM 0 drop argument for apply, rowSums, etc.
5:40PM 3 R command line and pipe using in Linux?
3:05PM 1 readPNG gives warnings and doesn't execute sample code from help files
1:54PM 0 small suggestion---add sd to summary() for vectors, matrices, and data frames
1:40PM 0 getGenerics returns names what are not generics
1:19AM 0 Wish: Iterate over any data type/object 'xs' in for (x in xs) { ... }
Sunday February 13 2011
12:30PM 1 CRAN package sizes
Saturday February 12 2011
9:57PM 1 R 2.13.0 on Windows: R CMD check and '"du"' not found
9:54PM 4 large vignette problem
12:09AM 1 R limits documented?
Friday February 11 2011
9:29PM 1 Writting my own package - 64 bit problem with R_GetCCallable
6:25PM 2 Problem with confint function
12:32AM 1 R project testers - how to help out
Thursday February 10 2011
11:37AM 2 R 2.12.1 Windows 32bit and 64bit - are numerical differences expected?
10:42AM 1 BLAS optimization by CUBLAS
3:20AM 1 SurviveGotoBLAS2 for Win64 (RC release)
Wednesday February 9 2011
10:57PM 1 Problem installing MCMCpack on SPARC Solaris 10
1:54PM 0 subassignment does not always duplicate object from active binding
1:49AM 2 using rasterImage within image
Tuesday February 8 2011
8:24PM 4 manipulating the Date & Time classes
6:06PM 1 Compiling a Tcl extension for an R package
Monday February 7 2011
9:33PM 1 Save and serialize
7:56PM 2 as.list(subclassed function) -> cannot coerce type 'closure' to vector of type 'list'
12:36PM 2 Error with named chunks in Sweave with the development version of R
Sunday February 6 2011
2:27PM 1 R-devel on FreeBSD: Support for C99 complex type is required
Saturday February 5 2011
8:58PM 2 print(...,digits=2) behavior
1:57AM 1 Reading a specific file during "R CMD check"?
Friday February 4 2011
7:37PM 1 matching symbols to objects
4:16PM 1 read.csv trap
3:44PM 1 axTicks.Rd documentation bug
3:21PM 2 terribly annoying bug with POSIXlt : one o'clock is midnight?
10:35AM 2 Strange behaviour of read and writeBin
2:31AM 1 dependencies on system packages
12:11AM 0 keep.source when semicolons separate statements on the one line; PS
12:09AM 1 keep.source when semicolons separate statements on the one line
Thursday February 3 2011
5:29PM 1 S3 method for S4 object
2:56PM 0 Minor typo in files2.Rd (Manipulaton)
10:26AM 1 bug in codetools/R CMD check?
3:25AM 2 Creating a reference class object from a class definition in a package fails
Wednesday February 2 2011
8:00AM 2 Using MathJax in R's help system
2:00AM 2 Memory Leak
Tuesday February 1 2011
7:00PM 1 dotchart {graphics} 2.11.1 vs. 2.12.1 [followed up from Rhelp]