On Mar 11, 2010, at 8:52 , Ben wrote:
> Hi, can someone tell me how to use associative arrays in R? It can
> be a hashtable or some kind of tree, as long as the lookups aren't
> O(n).
> One way to do this is to use names, e.g. in:
> list(a=3, ...)[["a"]]
> presumably looking up "a" is very quick. (Can someone tell me
> offhand how that is implemented? Hashtable?)
lists are generic vectors with names so lookup is O(n). Environments
in R are true hash tables for that purpose:
> h=new.env(hash=TRUE)
> h[["foo"]]="bar"
> ls(h)
[1] "foo"
> However, if I wanted to, say,
> memoize a numeric function, I can't elegantly use R names because R
> names must be characters.
I don't quite understand - characters are (after raw vectors) the most
expressive data type, so I'm not quite sure why that would be a
limitation .. You can cast anything (but raw vector with nulls) into
to a character.
> I found the hash package on CRAN:
> but it seems the keys are still characters. Also, I haven't heard
> anyone talking about it. Trees and hashtables are common data
> structures, so this problem must come up a lot.
I don't see a problem thus I'm not surprised it didn't come up ;).
maybe I'm just missing your point ...