Please see the manual -- 'Writing R Extensions'. If you want to use
custom compiler flags, you use a Makevars or personal .Makevars file.
Something like
(you haven't told us your OS or version of R).
On Mon, 19 Oct 2009, Fabio Mathias Corr?a wrote:
> Dear,
> When trying to use directive OpenMP in my code, I observed that the
directive ones were being considered as commentaries.
> Compiling with command R CMD SHLIB xxx.f95 - fopenmp and calling the
function in the R verified that threads was not being considered.
> I was to observe the options of the compiler
> R CMD SHLIB --help
> Usage: R CMD SHLIB [options] files | linker options
> Build a shared library for dynamic loading from the specified source or
> object files (which are automagically made from their sources) or
> linker options.? If not given via '--output', the name for the
> library is determined from the first source or object file.
> Options:
> ? -h, --help??? ??? print short help message and exit
> ? -v, --version??? ??? print version info and exit
> ? -o, --output=LIB??? use LIB as (full) name for the built library
> ? -c, --clean??? ??? remove files created during compilation
> ? --preclean??? ??? remove files created during a previous run
> ? -n, --dry-run??? ??? dry run, showing commands that would be used
> Windows only:
> ? -d, --debug??? ??? build a debug DLL
> How can I enable -fopenmp for use with R CMD SHLIB?
> ? ???????????? F?bio Mathias Corr?a
> Estat?stica e Experimenta??o Agropecu?ria/UFLA
Brian D. Ripley, ripley at
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford, Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UK Fax: +44 1865 272595