After some examination, this is what i found (i changed the code
somewhat, i dont modify rawdata anymore)
## v is a list of 28231 lists each of length 2
j=v[1:10000] ; u=list();u=append(u,j)
j=v[1:15164] ; u=list();u=append(u,j)
both work but for n> 15164
j=v[1:n] ; u=list();u=append(u,j)
Error: protect(): protection stack overflow
I have no idea why...
On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 10:15 PM, Saptarshi Guha
<saptarshi.guha at> wrote:> Hello,
> I call a function via .Call passing to it a raw vector(D) and an integer(I)
> The vector is a series ?K1,KData1, V1,VData1, K2, KData2, ...
> where the integer K1 is the length of Data1 and similarly for Ki (wrt
> Datai)(similarly for V*) There 2*I such pairs( (Ki,KDatai), (Vi,VDatai))
> The numbers Ki(and Vi) are written in network order.
> I am returning a list of I elements each element a list of two elements
> corresponding to KData and VData (which are serialized R objects) .
> ?ll <- .Call("returnListOfKV", rawkv, numread)
> When use the function with browser(), and type head(ll) i get valid
> However, i get a segfault when the code runs the next line
> ?j <- append(j,ll)
> (where j was defined as vector(mode='list') )
> The code below looks alright, but it appears to crash when getting copied.
> Now one could blame message2rexp (in kk_), but once in R, the result of
> .Call is assigned to ll, everything should be protected.
> In fact, if in kk_ i simply return a VECSXP with 2 elements, no errors, so
> one could conclude that message2rexp is to blame.
> Yet, when i replace the code with R code, that is using readBin and only
> calling calling C(to call message2rexp) to deserialize a raw vector, I get
> no such error.
> There is something I'm missing , could someone tell me where?
> Thank you for your time
> Regards
> Saptarshi
> === Using GDB? ===> I would like to run it through gdb, i get the
following message
> [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
> Error while reading shared library symbols:
> Cannot find new threads: generic error
> Cannot find new threads: generic error]
> and cannot proceed.
> ==== Code ===> ?SEXP returnListOfKV(SEXP raw,SEXP numread){
> ? ?if(TYPEOF(raw)!=RAWSXP){
> ? ? ?return(R_NilValue);
> ? ?}
> ? ?int num = INTEGER(numread)[0];
> ? ?char *rawdata = (char*)RAW(raw);
> ? ?SEXP KV ,rval;
> ? ?int r;
> ? ?PROTECT(rval = Rf_allocVector(VECSXP, num));
> ? ?for(int i=0;i<num;i++){
> ? ? ?SEXP k = R_NilValue;
> ? ? ?PROTECT(KV = Rf_allocVector(VECSXP, 2));
> ? ? ?r = reverseUInt(*((int*) rawdata)); //converts network order to host
> ? ? ?rawdata+=4; //yes, hard code size of int
> ? ? ?PROTECT(k= kk_(rawdata,r)); //deserializes data and returns a SEXP
> ? ? ?rawdata+= r;
> ? ? ?SET_VECTOR_ELT(KV,0, k);
> ? ? ?UNPROTECT(1);
> ? ? ?r = reverseUInt(*((int*) rawdata));
> ? ? ?rawdata+=4;
> ? ? ?PROTECT(k= kk_(rawdata,r));
> ? ? ?rawdata+=r;
> ? ? ?SET_VECTOR_ELT(KV,1, k);
> ? ? ?UNPROTECT(1);
> ? ? ?SET_VECTOR_ELT(rval,i,KV);
> ? ? ?UNPROTECT(1);
> ? ?}
> ? ?UNPROTECT(1);
> ? ?return(rval);
> ?}
> ?SEXP kk_(char *d,int n){
> ? ?SEXP k;
> ? ?REXP *rexp = new REXP();
> ? ?rexp->Clear();
> ? ?rexp->ParseFromArray(d,n);
> ? ?PROTECT(k = message2rexp(*rexp));
> ? ?delete(rexp);
> ? ?UNPROTECT(1);
> ? ?return(k);
> ?}
> Saptarshi Guha | saptarshi.guha at |