On 18/09/2009 6:12 PM, cstrato wrote:> Dear all,
> Please, please I really need your help, since I am not able to solve the
> problem myself:
> It seems that until now most Windows users of my Bioconductor package
> "xps" use Windows XP, but recently a user tried to use it on
> Vista where it crashed R immediately. Since I assume that some users may
> migrate to the upcoming Windows 7 where the problem will be the same, I
> would appreciate any help to be able to support Vista/Windows 7, thank
> you in advance.
You are requiring specific Microsoft tools to compile a package, which
fails on one Microsoft OS, but not another. Isn't this a question you
should address to Microsoft?
For the record:
We support compiling in the compiler listed in the R-admin manual, which
is available from murdoch-sutherland.com/Rtools. If you choose to
use a different compiler, you should seek support from its supplier.
Duncan Murdoch
> The problem ist that my package consists mainly of C++ code which I must
> compile with Visual C++ (Express Edition 2008), since it depends on the
> ROOT C++ framework. Windows users download and install first the ROOT
> Windows binary compiled with VC9 and then install the Windows binary of
> Thus package xps contains a "Makefile.win" where I use one of the
> compiler options "/MT" or "/MD", respectively, see:
> msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/2kzt1wy3.aspx
> Since the Windows binary of ROOT is compiled with option "/MD" I
> in principle use this option, however, R does not accept this option.
> Luckily, for Winodws XP I can compile xps with "/MT" and this
> perfectly fine.
> The real problem is that neither option works on Windows Vista, although
> I can run "R CMD INSTALL" in both cases. However, when loading
> "library(xps)" using Rterm.exe I get the following two cases:
> 1, xps compiled on Vista with option "/MD":
> new R session:
> > library(xps,lib.loc="C:/home/Rabbitus/CRAN/myRlib")
> Error in inDL(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now), ...) :
> cannot load shared library
> LoadLibrary failure: A DLL-Initialisationroutine failed.
> Then R crashes and Vista displays a Dialogbox with the following message:
> R for Windows terminal front-end does no longer function
> Anwendungszeitstempel: 4a928a5c
> Fehlermodulname: libCore.dll_unloaded
> Fehlermodulversion:
> Fehlermodulzeitstempel: 4a4b94a1
> Ausnahmecode: c0000005
> Ausnahmeoffset: 0413a6f0
> Betriebsystemversion: 6.0.6001.
> Gebietsschema-ID: 1031
> Zusatzinformation 1: b2be
> Zusatzinformation 2: 82109204b3973566ace818217390e302
> Zusatzinformation 3: 1563
> Zusatzinformation 4: deee40b8797d25628c21b9ef47e8a50c
> 2, xps compiled on Vista with option "/MT":
> new R session:
> > library(xps,lib.loc="C:/home/CS/CRAN/myRlib")
> > scheme.test3 <-
> > data.test3 <- import.data(scheme.test3, "DataTest3",
> =========================================> ===============
STACKTRACE ==============> =========================================>
> =========================================> ============= END
STACKTRACE ============> =========================================>
> Then R crashes and Vista displays a Dialogbox with the following message:
> R for Windows terminal front-end does no longer function
> Problemsignatur:
> Problemereignisname: APPCRASH
> Anwendungsname: Rterm.exe
> Anwendungsversion: 2.92.49384.0
> Anwendungszeitstempel: 4a928a5c
> Fehlermodulname: ntdll.dll
> Fehlermodulversion: 6.0.6001.18000
> Fehlermodulzeitstempel: 4791a7a6
> Ausnahmecode: c0000005
> Ausnahmeoffset: 0006814c
> Betriebsystemversion: 6.0.6001.
> Gebietsschema-ID: 1031
> Zusatzinformation 1: 92ec
> Zusatzinformation 2: c556221fb8ba46fdaae5867fc20d6575
> Zusatzinformation 3: c65f
> Zusatzinformation 4: 9d4dfe391e0e922aa627634d4d47a122
> Here is the same information for Windows XP:
> 1, xps compiled on WinXP with option "/MD":
> new R session:
> > library(xps,lib.loc="C:/home/CS/CRAN/myRlib")
> R crashes and the following Dialogbox from "Microsoft Visual C++
> Library" is displayed:
> Runtime Error!
> Program: c:\Programme\R\R-2.9.0\bin\Rterm.exe
> R6034
> An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library
> incorrectly.
> Please contact the application's support team for more information.
> 2, xps compiled on WinXP with option "/MT":
> new R session:
> > library(xps,lib.loc="C:/home/CS/CRAN/myRlib")
> Luckily, R runs w/o any problems and this is the setting of the current
> Windows binary of "xps".
> In summary, on WinXP package xps must be compiled with option
"/MT" to
> be used with R.
> In contrast, on Vista library(xps) does not work when compiled with
> either option:
> - for option "/MT" library(xps) can be loaded but crashes R with
> "Errormodulename: "ntdll.dll"
> - for option "/MD" library(xps) cannot be loaded, since the ROOT
> "libCore.dll" cannot be loaded ("Errormodulename:
> It is important to note that on both WinXP AND Vista library
> compiled with option "/MD" does work perfectly fine when running
> within ROOT!
> Please, can anybody tell me why Rterm on Vista crashes when running
> library(xps)?
> It seems that for option "/MD" Rterm is not able to load the ROOT
> library "libCore.dll", why?
> Any help is greatly appreciated otherwise my package "xps" will
not be
> able to run on Vista and more important, Windows 7.
> Thank you in advance.
> Best regards
> Christian
> _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._
> C.h.r.i.s.t.i.a.n S.t.r.a.t.o.w.a
> V.i.e.n.n.a A.u.s.t.r.i.a
> e.m.a.i.l: cstrato at aon.at
> _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._
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