I'm Pat Shields, one of the software engineers working on ParallelR. I just
wanted to make two points: no R code or previously gpl'd code can be found
in any of the non-gpl packages in ParallelR. I'm sure that the phrase
"derived works" is a legally subtle one, but all these packages
include are
R and occasionally python scripts (as well as the standard text
documentation). If these are derived works, doesn't that mean that any R
code is also, by extension, required to be GPL'd? If not, is it including
these scripts in a package that forces the use of the GPL?
Also, I'm confused about your dimissal of the MCE example. If that code was
a derivative work of R, how could it swap a GPL license for the BSD? I
didn't think such a switch was possible. If it was, I'd imagine a lot
use of it, as a quick front project could make GPL software into BSD
software after which all changes could go on behind closed doors.
On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 7:38 PM, Matthew Dowle
> Dear R-devel,
> REvolution appear to be offering ParallelR only when bundled with their R
> Enterprise edition. As such it appears to be non-free and closed source.
> http://www.revolution-computing.com/products/parallel-r.php
> Since R is GPL and not LGPL, is this a breach of the GPL ?
> Below is the "GPL and ParallelR" thread from their R forum.
> mdowle > It appears that ParallelR (packages foreach and iterators) is
> only available bundled with the Enterprise edition. Since R is GPL, and
> ParallelR is derived from R, should ParallelR not also be GPL? Regards,
> Matthew
> revolution > Hello Matthew, ParallelR consists of both proprietary and
> packages. The randomForest and snow libraries GPL licensed, whereas the
> other libraries we include have a commercial license(including
'foreach' and
> 'iterators'). Stephen Weller
> revolution > I wanted to expand on Stephen's reply. ParallelR is a
suite of
> R packages, and it is well established that packages can be under a
> difference license than R itself (i.e. not the GPL). For example, package
> MCE is licensed under BSD, RColorBrewer is licensed under Apache, most of
> Bioconductor is under the Artistic license and some are under completely
> unique licenses (e.g. mclust). REvolution Computing developed all of the
> code in ParallelR (except for the bundled GPL packages Stephen mentions),
> and we decided to release it under our own license in REvolution R
> Enterprise.
> That said, we do already release components of parallelR, such as the
> underlying engine, Networkspaces (also written by REvolution Computing)
> under an open source licence. Also, we are likely to release some other
> components including foreach and iterators, to CRAN soon.
> David Smith
> Director of Community, REvolution Computing
> mdowle > The examples you give (MCE, RColorBrewer, Bioconductor) are all
> available for free including the source code. Their licenses have been
> approved by the FSF. Free software and open source are the terms of work
> derived from GPL licensed software. REvolution's packages
'foreach' and
> 'iterators' are neither free or open source. Can you provide a
> for proprietary closed-source packages for R ? Is your policy approved by
> the FSF ?
> I don't object to REvolution. I am a fan of you making money from
> courses, consultancy, support and binaries. These are all permitted by the
> GPL. However the GPL does not allow you to distribute work derived from R
> which is either closed source or non-free.
> R is GPL, not LGPL.
> The above is my personal understanding. I am now posting to r-devel to
> check, feel free to join the public debate there.
> Regards, Matthew
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Pat Shields
Software Engineer
REvolution Computing
One Century Tower | 265 Church Street, Suite 1006
New Haven, CT 06510
P: 203-777-7442 x250 | www.revolution-computing.com
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