On Mon, 19 Jan 2009, Terry Therneau wrote:
> This is a follow-up on my note of Saturday. Let me start with two
> clarifications
> - I think this would be a nice addition, but I've had exactly one
use for it
> in the 15+ years of developing the survival package.
> - I have a work around for the current case.
> Prioritize accordingly.
> The ideal would be to change survexp as follows:
> fit <- survexp( ~ gender, data=mydata, ratetable=survexp.us,
> ratevar=list(sex=gender, year=enroll.dt, age=age*365.25))
> The model statement says that I want separate curves by gender, and is
> to other model statements.
> The ratevar option gives the mapping between my variable names and the
> of the survexp.us rate table. It wants age in days, enrollment date to be
> sort of date object, and sex to be a factor. Then the heading of the R
> would be
> m <- match.call()
> m <- m[c(1, match(names(m),
c('data','formula','na.action', 'subset',
> 'weights', 'ratevar'), nomatch=0)
> m[[1]] <- as.name('model.frame')
> m <- eval.parent(m)
Maybe I am missing something. Why not do something like this?
ratetable <- cbind ## for illustration purposes
foo <- function(formula,ratevars,data,...){
m <- match.call()
mfun <- m$ratevars
mfun[[1]] <- as.name('ratetable')
m$ratevars <- NULL
frm <- eval(m$formula)
frm <- update(frm,as.formula(
m$formula <- frm
m[[1]] <- as.name('model.frame')
m <- eval(m,parent.frame())
m ## to show that model frame obeys
dat <- data.frame(diag(4))
> That is, the variables enroll.dat and age are searched for in the data=
> This is like the start opion in glm, but a more complex result than a
> The model.frame function can't handle this. (Splus fails too, same
spot, less
> useful error message).
> -----
> The current code uses
> fit <- survexp(~ gender + ratetable(sex=gender, year=enroll.dt,
> age=age*365.25),
> data=mydata, ratetable=survexp.us)
> The ratetable function creates a matrix with extra attributes. The matrix
> contains as.numeric of the factors with the levels remembered as an extra
> attribute, and also looks out for dates. So the result is like ns() in the
> of model.frame, and it works. But having to write gender twice on the rhs
> confusing to users.
> Thanks in advance for any comments.
> Terry Therneau
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Charles C. Berry (858) 534-2098
Dept of Family/Preventive Medicine
E mailto:cberry at tajo.ucsd.edu UC San Diego
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