Hi Jim --
I think your problems have to do with the way 'initialize' and
'validObject' work together. At some point in it's code, validObject
converts an instance 'b' of a derived class (e.g., B) into that of the
base class (e.g., A). It does this, by calling a = new("A"), and then
copying the relevant slots from the instance of b to new a. So...
> 1. Why is initialize invoked *twice* for A during instantiation of B?
...the initialize method for A gets invoked twice, once when B is
being created originally, and once when B is being checked for
validity and is being converted to A.
> 2. The second time initialize is invoked for A, it appears .Object at x is
> only bound to its implicit prototype value of numeric(0). Why? Of
...and this is because of how A is being constructed from B -- with a
called to new("A"), with no additional arguments.
Practically, this means that your classes have to be valid when
created with new("A"). This imposes constraints on the prototype,and
on the initialize method, and in the end I've found myself writing
'constructors' that process user-friendly arguments into a format that
can be passed to 'new' as slots, e.g.,
A <- function(x=numeric(0), ...) {
x <- ifelse(log(x)<0, 1, x)
new("A", x=x, ...)
In some ways I think this is the right thing to do anyway (a layer of
abstraction between the user and implementation), even if the
motivation might not be so pure.
Jim Regetz <regetz at nceas.ucsb.edu> writes:
> Hi all,
> I am having trouble extending S4 classes in cases where I'm using both
> validity and initialize methods. I've read as much S4 information as I
> can find, but I've yet to have that "a-ha" moment.
> In my application, I am using validity methods to guard against
> inappropriate input data that my code has no way of handling, and
> initialize methods to detect and deal with fixable problems. As a toy
> example, consider classes A and B and associated methods as defined
> below. I use a validity method for A to complain about negative values,
> and an initialize method to "correct" small input values. B
> simply extend A by adding an extra slot. The example is contrived, but
> it illustrates a key behavior that I also encounter in my real code:
> setClass("A", representation(x="numeric"))
> setClass("B", representation(y="character"),
> setValidity("A", function(object) {
> message("start validate A")
> retval <- NULL
> if (any(object at x<0))
> retval <- c(retval, "x must be positive")
> message("done validate A")
> if(is.null(retval)) return(TRUE) else return(retval)
> })
> setMethod("initialize", "A", function(.Object, ...) {
> message("start init A")
> .Object <- callNextMethod()
> x <- .Object at x
> .Object at x <- ifelse(log(x)<0, 1, x)
> message("done init A")
> .Object
> })
> setMethod("initialize", "B", function(.Object, ...) {
> message("start init B")
> callNextMethod()
> })
> # Creating an instance of A works just as I would expect
>> a <- new("A", x=c(0.5, 2))
> start init A
> start validate A
> done validate A
> done init A
>> a
> An object of class ?A?
> Slot "x":
> [1] 1 2
> # But subsequently creating a derived B object fails!
>> new("B", a, y="foo")
> start init B
> start init A
> start validate A
> start init A
> Error in checkSlotAssignment(object, name, value) :
> assignment of an object of class "logical" is not valid for
slot "x"
> in an object of class "A"; is(value, "numeric") is not
> The two things I haven't quite figured out are:
> 1. Why is initialize invoked *twice* for A during instantiation of B?
> 2. The second time initialize is invoked for A, it appears .Object at x is
> only bound to its implicit prototype value of numeric(0). Why? Of
> course, this leads to an error because the ifelse expression
> subsequently evaluates to logical(0) rather than a numeric vector as
> intended. Again, this is a contrived example, but a very real problem in
> my code.
> I suppose I could define a prototype for A that I know won't break my
> initialize method, but that seems inelegant and hard to maintain. Is
> there a better way to code this so that I can reliably instantiate B
> using a valid A object? Hopefully I've just got something wrong in the
> formals for my initialize methods or in my use of getNextMethod(), but
> I've had no luck trying some alternatives -- and ultimately I'd
> to better understand the underlying behavior rather than stumble onto
> something that merely appears to work.
> I'd be grateful for any suggestions...
> Thanks,
> Jim
> ------------------------------
> James Regetz, Ph.D.
> Scientific Programmer/Analyst
> National Center for Ecological Analysis & Synthesis
> 735 State St, Suite 300
> Santa Barbara, CA 93101
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