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On Tue, 19 Feb 2008, asfe at wrote:
> Hello,
> I am writing this message because of an incorrect output by paste().
> Please try the following script to see if the evidence I collected is
> reproducible:
> x <- c(10152, 28177);
> y <- c(9576, 26625);
> d <- y - x;
> d;
> [1] -576 -1552
> paste(d, collapse = ", ");
> [1] "-576, -1552"
> x <- x / 1000;
> y <- y / 1000;
> d <- y - x;
> d;
> [1] -0.576 -1.552
> paste(d, collapse = ", ");
> [1] "-0.575999999999999, -1.552"
> The output of the last paste() is incorrect. I am using R version 2.6.1.
Why do you think it is incorrect?
?paste says
'paste' converts its arguments (_via_ 'as.character') to
strings, and concatenates them (separating them by the string
given by 'sep').
> as.character(d)
[1] "-0.575999999999999" "-1.552"
so this is correctly documented. From as.character()
'as.character' represents real and complex numbers to 15
significant digits (technically the compiler's setting of the ISO
C constant 'DBL_DIG', which will be 15 on machines supporting
IEC60559 arithmetic according to the C99 standard).
and note
> print(d, digits=15)
[1] -0.575999999999999 -1.552000000000000
If you want a limited number of significant figures in paste(), use
format() to convert the number yourself.
This is another manifestation of FAQ Q7.31: computer calculations on
non-representable numbers are subject to rounding and representation
> --
> Ant?nio Ferreira -
> Assistant Lecturer - Department of Informatics
> Faculty of Sciences - University of Lisbon - PT
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Brian D. Ripley, ripley at
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford, Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self)
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