On Thu, 2007-02-01 at 10:40 -0600, Marc Schwartz wrote:> Hi all,
> Presuming that my reply on r-help this morning was correct, attached is
> a patch file against the current svn trunk version of prop.test.Rd to
> add the references for the methods.
> Any corrections are welcome.
> Regards,
> Marc Schwartz
Looks like the attachment was stripped. Seems that the file had a
text/x-patch MIME type set.
I can't seem to get the file (even with renaming) to text/plain for some
So...here is the content pasted in here:
--- prop.test.Rd 2007-02-01 08:31:34.000000000 -0600
+++ prop.test.Rev.Rd 2007-02-01 08:38:58.000000000 -0600
@@ -91,6 +91,19 @@
whether Yates' continuity correction was applied.}
\item{data.name}{a character string giving the names of the data.}
+ Wilson, E.B. (1927) Probable inference, the law of succession, and
+ statistical inference.
+ \emph{J. Am. Stat. Assoc.}, \bold{22}, 209--212.
+ Newcombe R.G. (1998) Two-Sided Confidence Intervals for the Single
+ Proportion: Comparison of Seven Methods.
+ \emph{Statistics in Medicine}, \bold{17} 857--872.
+ Newcombe R.G. (1998) Interval Estimation for the Difference Between
+ Independent Proportions: Comparison of Eleven Methods.
+ \emph{Statistics in Medicine}, \bold{17} 873--890.
\seealso{\code{\link{binom.test}} for an \emph{exact} test of a binomial
I also uploaded the file to:
as a backup.