R-admin recommends -std=gnu99, which will solve this.
Given that long and long long mean different things on different
platforms, I would endorse the recommendation to use a C99 explicit type.
On Mon, 24 Apr 2006, Robin Hankin wrote:
> Hi.
> R-exts, section 1.7, discusses the passing of long long integers
> between R and C.
> I want to use unsigned long long integers, but
> I only need them inside a C function.
> I have a function that maps the nonnegative integers to the positive
> integers.
> The function is defined by a delicate recursive algorithm that is exact
> for integer arithmetic, but wildly incorrect for doubles.
> The function increases rapidly with its argument, and ordinary integers
> are not enough to illustrate my point (in a paper I am writing).
> The C function is as follows:
> void numbparts_longint(int *n, double *p){/* p(1)...p(n) calculated */
> int i,s,f,r;
> unsigned long long int *ip;
> unsigned long long int pp[*n];
> for(i=0 ; i < *n ; i++){
> p[i] = (double) pp[i];
> }
> }
> This compiles fine with "gcc -Wall" (and illustrates my point!)
> but R CMD check reports
> partitions.c:180: warning: ISO C90 does not support 'long long'
> partitions.c:181: warning: ISO C90 does not support 'long long'
> I really want long long integers here. What are my options?
> [the same happens with signed long long integers]
> --
> Robin Hankin
> Uncertainty Analyst
> National Oceanography Centre, Southampton
> European Way, Southampton SO14 3ZH, UK
> tel 023-8059-7743
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