2006-Mar-06 00:37 UTC
[Rd] Problems with R CMD Rdconv and R CMD Sd2Rd (PR#8661)
I'm using R 2.2.0 on Windows. Doing some conversions of help files. Internal comments indicate that the Sd2Rd conversion is "Converted by Sd2Rd version 1.21." I'm converting .d -> .Rd .sgml -> .Rd using Sd2Rd, then checking by using Rdconv to convert .Rd back to .d or .sgml. Here are errors in some of the conversions. The most significant errors are in .Rd to .sgml. The largest number of errors are in .Rd to .d (however, this conversion is not so important). -------------------------------------------------- .Rd to .sgml R CMD Rdconv -t Ssgm file.Rd > file.sgml If the .Rd contains \section{title}{text} the section is missing completely from the sgml file. (I reported this separately; it works fine when converting to .d) Similarly, \keyword{lars} is missing completely from the sgml file (It works fine when converting to .d) Rd converts \$ to \$; it should be just $. This in .Rd \code{.Machine\$double.eps}, is converted to <s-expression>.Machine\$double.eps</s-expression>, It should be <s-expression>.Machine$double.eps</s-expression>, or better yet <code>.Machine$double.eps</code>, In \examples{}, < should be converted verbatim rather than converted to < In the References section (and for links more generally?), file names are missing the .sgm This: \seealso{ \code{\link{lm}} \code{\link{lsfit}} } is converted to: <s-see> <s-function name="lm">lm</s-function> <s-function name="lsfit">lsfit</s-function> </s-see> It should be <s-see> <s-function name="lm.sgm">lm</s-function> <s-function name="lsfit.sgm">lsfit</s-function> </s-see> -------------------------------------------------- .sgml to .Rd R CMD Sd2Rd file.sgml > file.Rd This <descrip> <tag> lar </tag> least-angle regression <tag> lasso </tag> lasso method <tag> stepwise </tag> forward stepwise regression </descrip> is put verbatim into the .Rd It should be converted into a \describe list A references section should be converted to \references, not \section{References}. This <s-section name = "REFERENCES"> Efron, ... </s-section> is converted to \section{References}{ Efron, ... } it should be \references{ Efron, ... } -------------------------------------------------- .Rd to .d R CMD Rdconv -t Sd file.Rd > file.d It converts \code{lars} to 'lars' It should be `lars' It converts (in argument list) \item{...}{ to .AG \&... should be .AG ... Converts: \section{Side Effects}{ A plot is produced } to: .SH Side Effects A plot is produced should be .SE A plot is produced Converts \emph{Annals of Statistics} \bold{32}, 407--451. to: _Annals of Statistics_ *32*, 407-451. Should be: .ul Annals of Statistics \fB32\fP, 407-451. Sd2Rd converts .PP in a .d file within the arguments section to two blank lines in .Rd; Rdconv converts that to .IP "" whereas .PP would be better. Rdconv loses comments. This: \value{ ... the same order of computational cost as a least squares fit. } \references{ is converted to (missing a newline): the same order of computational cost as a least squares fit..SH REFERENCES This \name{lars.object} \alias{lars.object} \alias{class.lars} is converted to .FN lars.object should be: .FN lars.object .FN class.lars The document "Writing R Extensions" manual, chapter on "Writing R documentation files" is silent about how to document S3 classes. (It does mention S4 classes) -------------------------------------------------- .d to .Rd R CMD Sd2Rd file.d > file.Rd A very common error when writing a .d file is to use .AG where you should use .RC, in the .RT section, e.g. .RT Invisibly returns a list with components: .AG fraction See above .AG cv The CV curve at each value of fraction Right now the converter is moving those into the "Arguments" section, rather than leaving them in the "Value" section. It would be nice if they were left in the Value section. --please do not edit the information below-- Version: platform = i386-pc-mingw32 arch = i386 os = mingw32 system = i386, mingw32 status = major = 2 minor = 2.0 year = 2005 month = 10 day = 06 svn rev = 35749 language = R Windows XP Professional (build 2600) Service Pack 2.0 Locale: LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252;LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=English_United States.1252 Search Path: .GlobalEnv, package:methods, package:stats, package:graphics, package:grDevices, package:utils, package:datasets, Autoloads, package:base
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