2006-Jan-12 10:27 UTC
[Rd] naiveBayes.plot does not accept ask=FALSE (needed for use with tkrplot)
Dear mailing list members, I am writing a tiny tcltk interface for a few basic classification methods which should also include plotting density curves with naiveBayes.plot() and tkrplot(). I try to replot the curve using the next input variable of the NaiveBayes by clicking a button in the tkrplot window. Well, it kind of works but: Now I want to make R stop asking me to "Hit <Return> to see next plot" The plot function does not accept the parameter "ask=FALSE". Warning: parameter "ask" could not be set in high-level plot() function. If I precede par(ask=FALSE), nothing changes. Well, I am really not shure wether I use "par()" correctly. (please see function plotfun() below) What do I have to do to run R completley in batch-mode? thank you in advance any hint would be greatly appreciated Dominik Heier -------------------------------------------------------- #my codelooks like this: require(tcltk) require(tkrplot) require(klaR) doBayes<-function() { ## selected by former widget . For instance: DATA< Output_var="Species" ## AnzahlZeilen<-nrow(DATA) form<-as.formula(paste(Output_var,"~.")) bays<-NaiveBayes(form,data=DATA,usekernel=TRUE) bbb<-tktoplevel() tkwm.title(bbb,"Bayes-Plot") inVars<-names(DATA)[names(DATA)!=Output_var] varcount<-1 plotfun<-function() { #par(ask=FALSE) plot(bays,inVars[varcount],legendplot = TRUE,ask=FALSE) ## I tried to set ask=FALSE but got following warning: ## parameter "ask" could not be set in high-level plot() function } bplot<-tkrplot(bbb,plotfun) plotNextVariable <- function() { if (varcount==length(inVars)) { varcount<<-1 } else { varcount<<-(varcount+1) } tkrreplot(bplot,function() plot(bays,inVars[varcount],legendplot = TRUE)) } next.but <- tkbutton(bbb,text="Next input variable",command=plotNextVariable) tkpack(bplot,next.but) } doBayes()