Please, your R is well out of date and you are asked NOT to submit bug
reports on obselete versions. Nor, BTW, on things you are not sure are R
The window manager hinting was changed in 2.2.0, and some people who used
to experience this sort of thing say it is solved.
On Mon, 24 Oct 2005 keith at wrote:
> Full_Name: Keith Frost
> Version: 2.1.0
> OS: Debian Sarge
> Submission from: (NULL) (
> This has actually been a problem for some time in R under Linux. (I noticed
> it under previous builds for Redhat 9 as well.) The graphics device
> produced by the x11() function do not always get redrawn when they should,
> sometimes leaving the device blank when there should be a graph on it.
> I do not know for sure that this is an R-specific problem (I suppose the
> window manager could be failing to pass along the correct redraw
> but I thought I'd try to find out if other people are experiencing it,
> if it can be tracked down and fixed.
> To reproduce:
> Bring up a number of plots with the x11() function, and graph things on
> Move
> other windows to cover, and then reveal, the various plot windows, until --
> or more
> of your graphs disappears. Move the graphs over each other to get the
graphs to
> come
> back. Etc.
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Brian D. Ripley, ripley at
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford, Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
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