Paul Roebuck wrote:> Is it possible for S4 to (continue) dispatch to a class
> created during dispatching? The code below doesn't work;
> is this not possible or have I ommitted something?
"doesn't work"? This is not helpful. Please show what you got
and what
you expected. The result below is what I would expect (& get) from your
R> onthefly("testing")
generic onthefly
onthefly (character)
generic onthefly
onthefly (mydata)
List of 1
$ name: chr "mydata"
- attr(*, "class")= chr "mydata"
Since you used an undefined class "mydata" you can't expect very
else to work with these objects. You did not in fact "create" the
class, you just assigned a class attribute to an object corresponding to
an undefined class. There is a warning message to that effect from the
second setMethod() call.
> Concept was to create a SEXP with R_AllocatePtr, give it
> a class attribute, and continue dispatch. Example code
> below omits multiple parameters that can be different types.
> Essentially, any parameter would be converted to an
> internal type "class" and the final dispatch would be
> passing EXTPTRSXP objects.
> library(methods)
> setGeneric("onthefly",
> function(mydata) {
> cat("generic",[[1]], "\n")
> standardGeneric("onthefly")
> })
> setMethod("onthefly",
> signature(mydata = "character"),
> function(mydata) {
> cat([[1]],
> "(character)\n")
> # Simulating EXTPTRSXP
> mydata <- list(name = "mydata")
> class(mydata) <- "mydata"
> callGeneric(mydata)
> })
> setMethod("onthefly",
> signature(mydata = "mydata"),
> function(mydata) {
> cat([[1]],
> "(mydata)\n")
> str(mydata)
> })
> _
> platform powerpc-apple-darwin7.9.0
> arch powerpc
> os darwin7.9.0
> system powerpc, darwin7.9.0
> status
> major 2
> minor 1.1
> year 2005
> month 06
> day 20
> language R
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> SIGSIG -- signature too long (core dumped)
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