I think at least a warning is appropriate here (and also for a URL), so
have modified the code to have one in each case.
There is a reason why the chdir code is later, after the parsing, for it
was thought more important to get an error from parsing than from failing
to chdir.
On Tue, 19 Jul 2005, Henrik Bengtsson wrote:
> For R v2.1.1 patched and R v2.2.0 devel:
> Calling source(file, chdir=TRUE) with is.character(file) != TRUE, that
> is, with 'file' as a connection, will generate an error. Example:
> > file <- textConnection("cat('Hello world\n')")
> > source(file, chdir=TRUE)
> Error in source(file, chdir = TRUE) : Object "ofile" not found
> Of course, it does not make sense to change working directory, but
> quietly ignoring 'chdir' is better, I think.
> This is due to a simple coding mistake in source() [sorry, 56k modem
> => no R source => no diff]:
> <snip></snip>
> if (is.character(file)) {
> ofile <- file
> if (capabilities("iconv")) {
> if (identical(encoding, "unknown")) {
> <snip></snip>
> }
> Ne <- length(exprs <- .Internal(parse(file, n = -1, NULL,
> "?")))
> if (verbose)
> cat("--> parsed", Ne, "expressions; now
eval(.)ing them:\n")
> if (Ne == 0)
> return(invisible())
> if (chdir && is.character(ofile)) { <=== HERE
> isURL <- length(grep("^(ftp|http|file)://", ofile))
> 0
> if (!isURL && (path <- dirname(ofile)) != ".")
> owd <- getwd()
> on.exit(setwd(owd), add = TRUE)
> setwd(path)
> }
> }
> <snip></snip>
> I suggest to either i) do 'ofile <- file' before the first
> above, or better ii) move the last if-clause inside the first one (and
> remove " && is.character(ofile)").
> Best
> Henrik
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Brian D. Ripley, ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
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