2005-May-24 09:20 UTC
[Rd] Segmentation violation in eval.c (R 2.1.0) (PR#7893)
Hi, I get a segmentation fault in eval.c: do_set (call=0x8ce166c, op=0x82b43b8, args=0x8ce1650, rho=0x8acf218) at eval.c:1309 1309 switch (NAMED(s)) { The instruction is 0x080becf1 <do_set+177>: movzbl (%eax),%edx and %eax contains a non-accessible address (gdb) x/x $eax 0x4a5bf008: Cannot access memory at address 0x4a5bf008 in another try it was (gdb) x/x $eax 0x59a5a008: Cannot access memory at address 0x59a5a008 This segmentation fault occurs reproducible in a long simulation script. However, I don't know the place in the .R file. I would like to isolate the bug but don't know how. I attached the gdb session. I use R 2.1.0 on a Linux machine (Athlon64). Maybe a package that I wrote and use for the simulation clobbers some memory (although I already added some sanity checks). But please let me know when you hear about this bug another time (or have an idea how to debug this or have a solution). Thank you, Andreas -- Andreas Westfeld, 0432 01CC F511 9E2B 0B57 5993 0B22 98F8 4AD8 EEEA <westfeld@inf.tu-dresden.de> http://www.inf.tu-dresden.de/~aw4 TU Dresden Fakult?t Informatik, Institut f?r Systemarchitektur Datenschutz und Datensicherheit, Tel. +49-351-463-37918