Hi, The Rd file sceleton created using function _promptMethdos_ contains *only* the following fields: name docType alias title description section{Methods} keyword while _promptClass_ creates in addition fields like: author references seealso examples and even is invalid due to: ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~ A) It a seems a little that the designer of the prompt[Methods,Class] expects that the documentation for a Class (..-class.Rd) should be more detailed than the documentation for methods (..-methods.Rd). In my view it is not so. Even if Classes have in S4, a much more prominent position than is the case in S3, in my view the aim of R/S4 is provide cool methods. Hence, the methods are the meat. Therefore, I would highly appreciate if _promptMethods_ would create such entries like author, references, seelalso, examples, value etc. A more trivial argument to create more entries if calling promptMethods is: It is much faster to delete superfluous entries than to copy or type them. B) I suggest that the statment: ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~ is not created by a call to promptClass in the ...-class.Rd file. It causes that a invalid Rd file is created. If the opinion is that such a hint is valuable than something like the following does it either and do not invalidates the Rd file. \section{Warnign}{ ~Make other sections like Warning, see writing R-extensions. } Yours Eryk.