I came across the message below and decided to respond. I don't use R but I
do use other FSF products and I am a believer in making high quality software
freely available, particularly for basic mathematical and statistical functions.
I can thorougly recommend TOMS Algorithm 708 but I believe there are a couple of
problems from you point of view. Firstly there may be restrictions on how it may
be used and secondly it doesn't come with a corresponding inverse function.
You may, of course, feel your qbeta routine would be fine with a better pbeta.
CDFLIB includes this algorithm but comes with the warning "However, code
from ACM publications is subject to the ACM policy (below)". The inversion
function in CDFLIB is not built to the same high standards as A. H. Morris's
code for Algorithm 708. As a consequence it is slower than it should be,
doesn't work for probabilities samller than 1e-50 and if the UCLA
calculators calculators.stat.ucla.edu use the CDFLIB code (as they
claim) then it has some peculiar bugs {UCLA's
qbeta(0.9000872417014739,0.00000631,0.0000595) returns 6.67492405793E-09. It
should be approx 3e-308}. However, if you can get around the
"licencing" problems then it would be a low risk solution to your
As an alternative, I offer software of mine. Code for a number of distributions,
including the beta-distribution, is available at
members.aol.com/iandjmsmith/EXAMPLES.HTM. I realise it would be a huge
risk using "unknown" software but if you try the code for the beta
distribution, you will find it reasonably fast, accurate and available to use
any way you wish.
Having downloaded the R source, I also noticed the comment /*___ FIXME ___:
This takes forever (or ends wrongly) when (one or) both p & q are huge */.
My code uses an asymptotic expansion for the incomplete beta integral and
consequently the runtime has an upper limit.
I could go on and on about the code but there's not much point unless you
are interested in using it. The code is in Javascript which is relatively
painless to translate to C, though it would obviously require additional effort
to make it consistent with the rest of R. Should you be interested, I would be
willing to help or sit back and leave you to it.
Ian Smith
Message-id: <200309221347.h8MDlUJH021443@pubhealth.ku.dk>
>Date: Fri, 2 May 2003 10:03:23 -0400 (EDT)
From: Morten Welinder <welinder@rentec.com
>To: p.dalgaard@biostat.ku.dk
>CC: r-devel@stat.math.ethz.ch
R-bugs@biostat.ku.dk <mailto:R-bugs@biostat.ku.dk?Subject=Re:%20[Rd]%20PR>
>Subject: Re: [Rd] qbeta hang (PR#2894)
>Ok, I can confirm that it does not, in fact, loop forever. Just a close
... >There are lots of other places that worry me with respect to cancellation
>errors, for example
> r = 1 - pp;
> t = 1 - qq;
These can also be removed by changing qbeta.c:156-157 (R-1.7.1)
y = (y-a) * xinbta * (1.0-xinbta) *
exp (logbeta - pp * log(xinbta) - qq * log1p(-xinbta));
I don't understand why you have qbeta.c:167
if (fabs(y)<=acu) goto L_converged
which will fail for certain values of p & q, when x is close to zero as
the beta density tends to infinity. Why not use an exit condition based on
how far away from 'a' you are?
qbeta.c:174 (prevent excess precision)
Might this not just get optimized out? I doubt modern compilers respect
the volatile keyword. You should probably replace this with a safe
comparison. if(fabs(tx-xinbta)<=DBL_EPSILON*fabs(xinbta))...
** This should be checked with someone familiar with floating point
arithmetic; I'm not and may have got the correct expression wrong.
The 'infinite loop' is due to the speed of the pbeta routine, rather
the initial approximation from the qbeta. There is another algorithm
available for pbeta (Algorithm 708, CACM 18. 360--373, 1992) which may be
of use here. This continued fraction approximation is recommended by
Numerical Recipes over the power series approximation (make of that what
you will!)