>>>>> "Brett" == Brett Presnell
<presnell@stat.ufl.edu> writes:
Brett> Just a few documentation "bugs" that I've noticed
Brett> recently.
Thank you!
Brett> 1. In the help for (dpqr)weibull(), the formula
Brett> given for the variance of a Weibull is wrong.
Brett> The correct formula is
Brett> b^2 * sqrt(gamma(1 + 2/a) - (gamma(1 + 1/a))^2))
which is even wronger, but I'm sure you meant
b^2 * (gamma(1 + 2/a) - (gamma(1 + 1/a))^2)
Brett> Note that I've also changed Gamma to gamma, which
Brett> I think is preferable since this is actually the name
Brett> of the gamma() function in R (whereas Gamma() is
Brett> quite a different animal).
(but in LaTeX, that's \Gamma and that's why we have used it
even for the non-latex formula (you see in the text and html
version of help).
Brett> 2. The help for quantile() function (in base) refers
Brett> to the function ecdf(), but doesn't mention that it
Brett> is in package stepfun (which is not loaded by
Brett> default). It would be helpful if it did.
yes, it seems, thank you; I'm adding it.
Brett> 3. There's a typo in the help for optim():
Brett> "comprehansive".
(BDR has already fixed this).
Thanks once more!
Martin Maechler <maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch>
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