It's cool, it's exciting, and much thanks to Duncan. He announced RJava yesterday (or this morning?) on the R-devel list, and it's really worth it. for more details. But it does mean that we can run Orca code directly within R, (without Thomas' socket connections) (and also means that we really need a "stop" button, since killing the visualizations kills the R process in an ugly fashion). To do: 1. write up a converter for feeding R DataFrames right into Orca 2. add the "stop" or "destroy" button described above. 3. do the "right thing" for brushing. All you need to do from the following scripts is to install Java for R, redefine where "orcaHomeDir" is, and run it... I'll be checking these into the Orca directory structure soon! Since I'm cc'ing r-devel, I might as well point to Orca: best, -tony Examples: -------------- Initialization.R -------------- library(Java) ## Initialize Environment orcaHomeDir <- "/biostat/faculty0/rossini/sandbox/Src/Java/Orca/orca/" orcaHomeOrcaJar <- paste(orcaHomeDir,"classes/orca.jar",sep="") orcaHomeVisADJar <- paste(orcaHomeDir,"jars/visad.jar",sep="") orcaClasses <- c(orcaHomeOrcaJar,orcaHomeVisADJar) ## Initialize JVM .JavaInit(list(classPath=orcaClasses)) ## Verify JVM has Orca in its path .Java("System", "getProperty", "java.class.path") -------------- VarSelExample.R --------------- ## The .name="blah" part turns out to be essential... od.1 <- .Java("", "openFileData","data/normclust.dat",.name="od") dsp.1 <- .JavaConstructor("DataSourcePipe",od.1,.name="dsp") sdp.1 <- .JavaConstructor("StdDataPipe",dsp.1,.name="sdp") vsp.1 <- .JavaConstructor("VarSelPipe",sdp.1,.name="vsp") rp.1 <- .JavaConstructor("Render2DPipe",vsp.1,.name="rp") wp.1 <- .JavaConstructor("WindowPipe",rp.1,.name="wp") .Java(wp.1,"reloadView") -------------- TaoExample.R ------------------ ## You need to be "initialized" for this... (see Initialize.R above) OrcaDataFile <- "data/orca.tao.time" OrcaDataTimeVar <- "Group" OrcaDataGroupVar <- "Time" ## Get the data od.1 <- .Java("", "openFileData", OrcaDataFile, .name="od"); ## Acknowledge special covariates od.1 <- .JavaConstructor("MarkTimeSeriesData", od.1, OrcaDataTimeVar, .name="od2"); od.1 <- .JavaConstructor("MarkGroupData", od.1, OrcaDataGroupVar, .name="od3"); ## Run it through the standardization and brushing stuff. dsp.1 <- .JavaConstructor("DataSourcePipe", od.1, .name="dsp") stdd1.1 <- .JavaConstructor("StdDataPipe", dsp.1, .name="stdd1") stdd.1 <- .JavaConstructor("ReorderPipe", stdd1.1, .name="stdd") ## Set up the pairs plot mlp.1 <- .JavaConstructor("MultiLayoutPipe", stdd.1, .name="mlp") obw.1 <- .JavaConstructor("WindowPipe", mlp.1, .name="obw") ## Set up the grand tour ortp1.1 <- .JavaConstructor("TourPipe", stdd.1, .name="ortp1") t2p2.1 <- .JavaConstructor("Render2DPipe",ortp1.1, .name="t2p2") obw4.1 <- .JavaConstructor("WindowPipe",t2p2.1,.name="obw4") ## Set up the TimeSeries ortp2.1 <- .JavaConstructor("TourPipe",stdd.1,.name="ortp2") t2p.1 <- .JavaConstructor("TimeSeriesPipe",ortp2.1,.name="t2p") obw3.1 <- .JavaConstructor("WindowPipe",t2p.1,.name="obw3") ## It can be better to pause these -- don't start them immediately ## after each other! .Java(obw.1 , "reloadView") .Java(obw4.1, "reloadView") ## The following doesn't work yet (array out of bounds bug) .Java(obw3.1, "reloadView") ---------------------------------------------------------- best, -tony -- A.J. Rossini BlindGlobe Networks U Washington (from home) -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-devel mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the "body", not the subject !) To: _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._