Below is a revised copy of my compatibility functions with additions from Martin. I expect I may need a new version when 0.6 arrives but I thought it would be worth circulating this in case it suggests anything which might be resolved before the release of 0.6 rather than after. Thanks to a few people for pointing out the R function machine(). I have a kludge below for determining the same information in S. If anyone has a better way to do this I would appreciate it. There are also several functions where the non-unix versions have not been defined. Suggestions would be appreciated. Paul Gilbert ############################################################################## # This file has code which contains operating system and S/R specific # functions. They are intended to be used as a kernel to help # protect other code from these problems. # The following functions are attempted: # For S/R differences: # global.assign,,, unlink, # synchronize, list.add for [["new.element"]]<- # For OS differences: #, sleep,, whoami, file.copy, #, date, mail, unlink,, # Also a number of functions are defined to identify systems. # The variable .SPAWN is also set to be used to identify if Splus "For" loops # should be used. (It is sometimes better not to use these even in Splus.) ############################################################################## # General Logic and organization of these functions # 1/ The first group of functions are for identifying S or R and flavours. # 2/ The second group of functions are for identifying the operating system. # 3/ The third group specify a few functions which depend only on the # differences between S and R. # 4/ The fourth group specify functions which depend only on the # differences among operating system. # 5/ The fifth group specify a few functions which depend on both R/S and the # differences among operating system. # >>> I would very much like any input WRT MS Windows / Win95 / NT / Mac <<< # The function is defined in order to provide a generic way to # make a call to the operating system. However, when the calls are specific # to Unix then the function unix() is used. ############################################################################## <- function() {if( !exists("version")) { #-- `Vanilla' S (i.e. here "S version 4") #- this now works for S version 4 (this is not S-plus 4.0, maybe # part of S-plus 5.0 !): lv <- nchar(Sv <- Sversion()) r <- list( major = substring(Sv, 1,1), minor = substring(Sv, lv,lv)) } else {r <- version r$minor <- as.numeric(r$minor) r$major <- as.numeric(r$major) } if (is.Splus()) r$language <- "Splus" else if (is.Svanilla()) r$language <- "S" r$OSversion <- OSversion() r$OStype <- machine() r } ########################################################### # 1/ Functions are for identifying S or R and flavours. ########################################################### #Note It is tempting to use as defined above, but there is a # bootstrapping problem to solve. is.R <- function() {exists("version") && !is.null(vl <- version$language) && vl == "R" } is.R.pre0.60 <- function() {is.R() && ((as.numeric(version$major)+.01*as.numeric(version$major)) <0.60) } is.S <- function(){is.Svanilla() | is.Splus() } is.Svanilla <- function(){!exists("version")} is.Splus <- function(){exists("version") && is.null(version$language)} is.Splus.pre3.3 <- function() { ## <= 3.2 is.Splus() && (($major+.1*$minor) < 3.3) } ########################################################### # 2/ Functions are for identifying the operating system. ########################################################### # if (is.R()) {machine <- machine} if (is.S()) {machine <- function() {if (version$os == "MS Windows") return(version$os) if (version$os == "Macintosh") return(version$os) # needs to be checked else return ("Unix") # not a very satisfactory test } } is.MSwindows <- function(){machine() == "MS Windows"} is.Mac <- function(){machine() == "Macintosh" } is.unix <- function(){machine() == "Unix" } # Other should be added here. # determining Unix flavours doesn't seem to be too important but ... is.Sun4 <- function() {OSversion() == "SunOS4" } is.Sun5 <- function() {OSversion() == "SunOS5" } is.Linux <- function(){OSversion() == "linux"} OSversion <- function() {paste(unix("uname -s"), unix("uname -r | sed -e 's/\\.\.\*//'"), sep="") } ########################################################### # 3/ Functions depending only on the # differences between S and R ########################################################### if(is.S()) {if(is.unix()) <- unix global.assign <- function(name, value) {assign(name,value, where 1)} .SPAWN <- TRUE <- function(){dev.cur() !=1 } <- function(display=getenv("DISPLAY")) {openlook(display) } # {motif(display) } <- function(){ } if (!exists("set.seed.Splus")) set.seed.Splus <- set.seed set.seed <- function(seed=NULL) {if (is.null(seed)) seed <-.Random.seed else {if (1==length(seed)) set.seed.Splus(seed) else global.assign(".Random.seed", seed) } seed } "list.add<-" <- function(x, replace, value) {# replace or add elements to a list. x[replace] <- value # x[[replace]] <- value would be more logical but doesn't work x } } if(is.R()) {#tempfile <- function(f) # {# Requires C code also from Friedrich Leisch not in version 0.15 of R. # d<-"This is simply a string long enough to hold the name of a tmpfile"; # .C("tmpf", as.character(d))[[1]] # } if (is.R.pre0.60()) {tempfile <- function(pattern = "file") {system(paste("for p in", paste(pattern, collapse = " "), ";", "do echo /tmp/$p$$; done"), intern = TRUE) } } unlink <- function(file)"rm -fr ", file)) global.assign <- function(name, value) {assign(name,value, envir=.GlobalEnv)} synchronize<- function(x){NULL} # perhaps this should do something? .SPAWN <- FALSE <- function(){exists(".Device")} <- function(display=getenv("DISPLAY")) {x11(display) } <- function(){F} # how do I do this? set.seed <- function(seed=NULL) {if (is.null(seed)) {if (!exists(".Random.seed")) zzz <- runif(1) # seed may not yet exist seed <-.Random.seed } else {if (1==length(seed)) global.assign(".Random.seed",round(runif(3,min=seed,max=1e5*seed))) else global.assign(".Random.seed", seed) } seed } "list.add<-" <- function(x, replace, value) {# replace or add elements to a list. if (is.numeric(replace)) {# x<-"default.[[<-", list(x,replace,value)) # use default x[[replace]] <- value return(x) } if (is.null(value)) value <- list(NULL) if (!is.list(value)) value <- list(value) if (1 == length(value)) {for (i in seq(length(replace))) x<-"$<-", list(x,replace[i],value[[1]])) } else {if(length(value) != length(replace) ) stop("number of replacement values != number of elements to replace") for (i in seq(length(replace))) x<-"$<-", list(x,replace[i],value[[i]])) } x } } ########################################################### # 4/ Functions depending only on the # differences among operating system. ########################################################### if(is.unix()) {sleep <- function(n) {unix(paste("sleep ", n))} # pause for n seconds <- function(){unix("pwd")} # present directory whoami <- function(){unix("whoami")} # return user id (for mail) <-function() {unix("uname -n")} mail <- function(to, subject="", text="") {# If to is null then mail is not sent (useful for testing). file <- tempfile() write(text, file=file) if(!is.null(to)) unix(paste("cat ",file, " | mail -s '", subject, "' ", to)) unlink(file) invisible() } file.copy <- function(from, to)unix(paste("cp ", from, to)) # copy file <- function( {# This could be a lot better. It will fail for files older than a year. # Also, a returned format like date() below would be better. mo <- (1:12)[c("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May", "Jun","Jul","Aug", "Sep", "Oct","Nov","Dec") ==substring(unix(paste("ls -l ",file)),33,35)] day <- as.integer(substring(unix(paste("ls -l ",,37,38)) hr <- as.integer(substring(unix(paste("ls -l ",,40,41)) sec <- as.integer(substring(unix(paste("ls -l ",,43,44)) c(mo,day,hr,sec) } } if(is.MSwindows()) { <- function(cmd) {stop("system calls must be modified for this operating system.")} sleep <- <- whoami <- file.copy <- <- } ########################################################### # 5/ Functions depending on both R/S and the # differences among operating system. ########################################################### if(is.unix()) {if(is.R()) {unix <- function(cmd) system(cmd, intern=T) <- function(cmd) system(cmd, intern=T) date <-function() {d<-parse(text=strsplit( unix("date \'+%Y %m %d %H %M %S\'")," ")[[1]]) list(y= eval(d[1]), m=eval(d[2]), d= eval(d[3]), h= eval(d[4]), m= eval(d[5]), s= eval(d[6]), tz=unix("date '+%Z'")) } } if(is.S()) { <- function(cmd) unix(cmd) date <-function() {d <- parse(text=unix("date '+%Y %m %d %H %M %S'"),white=T) list(y= eval(d[1]), m=eval(d[2]), d= eval(d[3]), h= eval(d[4]), m= eval(d[5]), s= eval(d[6]), tz=unix("date '+%Z'")) } } } ############################################################################## =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-r-devel mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the "body", not the subject !) 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