Supriya Uppalapati
2014-Jul-14 15:54 UTC
[Puppet Users] unable to use varaible in creates attribute
Hi, I am trying to install software using .zip file. I am defining values using varaibles. But it is throwing me an error. *Error: Parameter cwd failed on Exec[extract]: cwd must be a fully qualified path at /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/environments/development/modules/staging/manifests/extract.pp:106Wrapped exception:cwd must be a fully qualified path* My code is here *class websphere::installationmanager { $ibm_install = '/opt/test/installationmanager'* *file { $ibm_install: ensure => directory,}staging::deploy { '': source => '/stage/Security/SoftwareDepot/SAM_Software/WAS/', target =>'$ibm_install', creates =>'$ibm_install/install',} exec { 'exec the installation manager': command => '$ibm_install/install --launcher.ini $ibm_install/silent-install.ini -log /opt/test/IM_install.log', path => '$ibm_install', creates => '/opt/test/IM_install.log',* *}}* Please help me -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To view this discussion on the web visit For more options, visit