The latest round of updates to Debian Jesse (testing) has really broken
puppet-dashboard when using the puppetlabs repo. I currently have my apt
sources list set up to use the "unstable" repo (since there isn't
"jessie" or "testing" repo). When I try to install
puppet-dashboard I get
puppet-dashboard : Depends: ruby1.8 (>= 1.8.7) but it is not
installable> Depends: rubygems but it is not installable
This probably has something to do with the lastest upgrades to ruby that
came down last week, which include a message that says.
The Ruby packages in Debian no longer support switching between
different> Ruby versions using update-alternatives. All unversioned binary names
> such
> as `ruby`, `gem` etc are now provided by the `ruby` package, and will be
> symbolic links pointing to the binaries corresponding to the current
> default
> version in Debian.
So it looks like the usual method of switching to ruby 1.8 wont work and as
far as I can tell ruby 1.8 isn't even available on Debian jessie.
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