Brent Clark
2014-Mar-07 11:58 UTC
[Puppet Users] Is it possible to specify more than two search items in a Resource Collectors tag?
Good day Guys. Is it possible to specify more than two search items in a Resource Collectors tag? e.g. @@nagios_service {"${::chshostname}_${name}": ensure => present, check_command => $command, host_name => $::chshostname, servicegroups => $t_group, service_description => $t_service_description, use => $use_template, target => $t_target, tag => [$t_tag,$nagios::param::nagiosdc] } Nagios_service <<| tag == [$t_tag,$nagios::param::nagiosdc] |>> { notify => Service['nagios3'], require => Package['nagios3'], } I need to puppet to search for a particular service in a particular datacentre. Regards Brent -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To view this discussion on the web visit For more options, visit